The Passive Voice (continuous tenses)
The Passive Voice
The Passive Voice (simple tenses)
1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative. Change the factual information where necessary:
Example: The Supreme Court is divided into two branches: the High Court and the Court of Appeal. - Is the Supreme Court divided into two branches: the High Court and the Court of Appeal? The Supreme Court is not divided into two branches: the High Court and the Court of Appeal.
1. The written statements of the positions of the parties are called pleadings. 2. After the grand jury issues the indictment the accused person is arrested. 3. American judicial tradition holds that the truth will be reached most effectively through the adversary process. 4. The first task of the judge is to preside over the proceedings and see that order is maintained. 5. A U.S. attorney is chosen by the President with the approval of the Senate. 6. At the trial the witnesses are asked to testify by one party or another.
2. Make the sentences passive:
Example: The investigator left a suspect in the room. – A suspect was left in the room by the investigator.
1. The officers wrote the report in a terrible hurry. 2. A popular vote approved Ukraine’s declaration of independence. 3. The president received the delegation yesterday. 4. Everybody discussed the new law. 5. The policeman stopped the car. 6. The suspect demanded the victim’s money. 7. They didn’t include all information in the letter. 8. Her sister committed a crime.
3. Choose the appropriate form of the verb (active or passive): Example:The capital punishment (abolished/ was abolished) in Britain after World War II.
1. A body of expert lawyers (is needed/ needed) time for consideration of a case. 2. Common law (based/ is based) on the principle of deciding cases by reference to previous judicial decisions. 3. Citizens (are chosen/ choose) for jury service through a process that is set out in laws. 4. Once the jury (select/ is selected), the lawyers for both sides give their opening statements. 5. The prosecutor (presented/ is presented) the case yesterday. 6. How the formal accusation of the grand jury (call/ is … called)?
4. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. За підозрюваним доглянуть. 2. Його буде засуджено на 5 років ув’язнення. 3. Її звинувачують у вбивстві. 4. Вони будуть покарані. 5. Його знайдуть та допитають. 6. Про цей закон багато говорять. 7. Їм наказали залишити зал. 8. За доктором послали. 9. Це буде використано проти вас! 10. Укази з економічних питань скріплені підписом прем’єр-міністра України.
1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative: Example:The new Prime Minister will be appointed tomorrow. The candidate is being discussed now. – Is the candidate being discussed now? No, the candidate is not being discussed now.
1. They were being questioned for half an hour in the morning. 2. Somebody is walking behind us. I think we are being followed! 3. The victim is being examined now. 4. An agreement is being worked out. 5. A new building is being built. 6. An expert examination is being made.
2. Write passive sentences:
Example:The police are making inquires now. – Inquires are being made by the police now.
1. The judge is announcing the sentence. 2. The investigator was examining clothes when the expert arrived. 3. The police are searching for a burglar. 4. The Parliament is passing the law. 5. The committee is discussing the matter. 6. The experts are studying the fingerprints
3. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verb (Present/ Past Continuous): Example: He (to be questioned) at the moment I came in. – He was being questioned at the moment I came in.
1. Look at that strange man! We (to be followed). 2. The new Tax bill (to be discussed) all day yesterday. 3. I didn’t notice anything, but when I got a cassette I realized everything. Our conversation (to be recorded). 4. Don’t come in! The identi-kit of the maniac-murderer (to be created).5. The decision of the Constitutional Court (to be discussed) and we heard loud voices. 6. The plan of future changes in the system of courts (to be discussed) in the afternoon.
4. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Зараз відбувається експертиза відбитків пальців. 2. Справу зараз слухають у суді. 3. Вашу інформацію щодо винності депутата зараз перевіряють. 4. Підозрюваного зараз допитують. 5. Будинок учора обшукували цілий день, але нічого не знайшли. 6. Зараз проводиться засідання Верховної Ради. 7. Зараз розробляють порядок денний засідання Кабінету Міністрів. 8. Зараз беруть інтерв’ю у Прем’єр-міністра України. 9. Чому їх арештовують? Вони невинні.