The Past Simple Tense
The Present Simple Tense
The Simple Tenses
To be going to
1. Translate the sentences and make questions to them:
1. I am going to become a prosecutor. 2. She is going to make a law report tonight. 3. They are going to become good law specialists.
2. Translate into English:
1. Суддя районного суду збирається розглядати цю справу сьогодні. 2. Які докази ви збираєтися представити завтра? 3. Коли ви збираєтесь працювати над доповіддю з кримінального права? 4. Я збираюся стати гарним юристом. 5. Ми не будемо розмовляти з його адвокатом завтра, ми будемо опитувати свідків. 6. Я збираюся відвідати апеляційний суд завтра вранці.
1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:
Example:My niece dreams to become a prosecutor. – Does my niece dream to become a prosecutor? My niece doesn’t dream to become a prosecutor.
1. My father works as a prosecutor. 2. They want to be judges. 3. An investigator usually uses a deductive method. 4. Water freezes at 0 °C. 5. The new law comes into force on May 15. 6. At the end of a trial a judge passes sentence or sets the accused free.
2. Put the verb into the Present Simple form:
Example:He (to specialize) in Criminal Law. – He specializes in Criminal Law
1. She (not/ to work) as a lawyer, she is a student. 2. A policeman usually (to stop) cars in the street. 3. The Sun (to rise) in the East. 4. It often (to rain) in England. 5. He (not/ to want) to become an investigator. 6. He (to major) in law.
3. Put questions to the italicized words:
Example:He works in court. - Where does he work?
1. My father works at the Prosecutor’s office, he is a prosecutor. 2. My sister is a student, she studies at the University of Hertfordshire. 3. We usually read periodicals in the library. 4. Her parents always give her useful advice. 5. The government controls Parliament. 6. The United Kingdom Parliament consists of two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. 7. The law punishes criminals. 8. The jurisdiction of the courts extends to all legal relations.
1. Make the sentences interrogative and negative:
Example: The jury consisted of local citizens. – Did the jury consist of local citizens? – The jury didn’t consist of local citizens.
1. The defendant had no right to appeal. 2. Two witnesses watched a burglary. 3. The photograph was very important for the investigator. 4. Scottish civil law didn’t differ from that of England. 5. Her mother was guilty of murder. 6. She threatened him with the gun and forced him to write out a confession.
2. Put questions to the words in italics:
Example:They trial started at 9 o’clock this morning. – When did the trial start?
1.His brother worked as a judge last year. 2. The doctor examined the victim in the morning. 3. The suspect told about the place of the crime. 4.He missed a lot of classes in Criminology. 5.Every year Parliament passed about hundred laws. 6. The judge sentenced the accused to 15 years in prison. 7. Yesterday in the evening the jury passed the verdict on the suspect.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the Past Simple:
1. His father works at a police station. 2. I often see him in the court. 3. He always takes a gun with him. 4. The investigator questions prisoners. 5. Their parents are in legal profession. 6. They don’t change their opinion.
The Future Simple Tense
1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:
Example: He will file a complaint against the defendant. – Will he file a complaint against the defendant? He will not file a complaint against the defendant.
1. They will accuse him of murder. 2. Mrs. Evans will present her evidence at the trial. 3. The grand jury will decide if there should be a trial. 3. The trial jury will listen to the evidence presented at the trial. 4. Soon the judge will ask the defendant if he pleads “guilty” or “not guilty”. 5. In an hour the grand jury will issue the verdict. 6. If jurors can’t agree, the judge will declare a mistrial.
2. Put questions to the words in italics:
1. The Parliament will discuss laws next week. 2. The judge will announce a sentence tomorrow. 3. The judge will sum up the evidence. 4. They will accuse him of theft. 5. The police will make inquires tomorrow. 6. The judge will hear the next case after lunch.
3. Choose the correct item (Present Simple or Future Simple):
Example: Don’t leave the town until they (issue/ will issue) an indictment. –
Don’t leave the town until they issue the indictment.
1. You (do…go/ will…go) to the court hearing today? 2. If you (see/ will see) the accused, tell him he might be hanged! 3. What (will / do) you do if the witness (doesn’t/ won’t) tell the truth? 4. The prosecutor will inform us if something wrong (happens/ will happen). 5. If we (are / will be) tired, we’ll stop searching the place of murder. 6. If the prosecutor (disagrees/ will disagree) with the court judgement, he will lodge an appeal to the higher court.
4. Translate the following sentences into English using Present, Past or Future Simple :
1. Він не працює у прокуратурі, він – студент. 2. Він ніколи не зізнається. 3. Усі мої родичі були пов’язані з юридичною професією. 4. Засідання суду відбудеться завтра. 5. Наприкінці судового засідання суддя виносить вирок суду. 6. Що ви робили у прокуратурі? 7. Ви підете сьогодні на засідання суду?