Rearrange the underlined letters to make words in extracts below.
Answers in the text
Decisions of the European Court.
The EU Treaties are directly applicable in every Member State. Accession to the Community limits the power of national governments and affects national sovereignty – the power to govern. The European Union law has supremacy over, that is, overrides national law.
There are five types of legal acts the European Union uses:
• Treaties – directly applicable.
• Regulations – have general applications and are binding in their entirety on all Member States and have direct effect, meaning they automatically become law in Member States.
• Directives – are binding on Member States as to their result but do not bind individuals until they have been transposed into national law (implemented).
• Decisions of the European Court – are binding on those to whom they are addressed.
• Recommendations and opinions – have no binding force but may be persuasive, that is, have influence.
1. Answer the following questions using the information from the text:
1. Why is the EU legal system thought to be unique?
2. Why is the EU law regarded as the new legal order?
3. How did the EU law develop?
4. What are the sources of the EU law?
5. What types of legal documents are used by the European Union?
2. Are the following statements true or false? Find reasons for your
1. Member States are required to incorporate the European legislation into national law and to recognize the jurisdiction of the European Court in matters of the EU law.
2. The national legislation of Member States takes precedence over Union rules.
3. National sovereignty is not affected by the membership of the European Union.
4. Recommendations and opinions have neither binding force nor influence national governments.
5. Directives bind individuals of Member States after implementation into national law.
The (1) laennirt market shall comprise an area without internal (2) stenroirf in which the (3) reef (4) vemmnote of goods, persons, (5) essricev and capital is ensured in accordance with the (6) noopssivir of this (7) yetrat.
From Article 7a, the Single European Act 1986
Member (8) eattss shall take all appropriate (9) russeame whether general or particular, to ensure fulfillment of the (10) tooglisnabiarising out of this Treaty or resulting from an action taken by the institutions of the (11) timmouncy. They shall facilitate achievement of the Community’s tasks.
Article 5, the EC Treaty
A (12) ulegnotair shall have general (13) pintclapoia. It shall be (14) dinbign in its entirety and directly applicable all Member States.
A (15) vetcriide shall be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each
(16) beermm State to which it is addressed, but shall leave to the national authorities the choice of form and methods.
From Article 189, the Treaty of Rome
4. Find in the TEXT the names of LEGAL ACTS for the following definitions:
1) _________ aformal agreement made and signed between nations; lays down the basic aims of the European Union, establishes the institutions and their powers, formulates the policies of the European Union;
2) _________ a normative act that lays down general rules which are binding both at the European Union and national level, replaces any existing and conflicting rule in domestic legal system, automatically becomes a part of law of any Member State.
3) _________ a general or detailed instruction addressed only to each Member State to bring its legal system into exact conformity with the objectives specified in this act, binding only ‘as to result to be achieved’;.
4) _________ a conclusion, judgment binding in its entirety upon those to whom it is addressed (may be addressed either to states or individuals), not intended to have general application;
5) _________an act proposing some actions to be performed, not binding for Member States;
6) _________ a judgment or instruction given by experts or institutions, not binding for Member States