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Human Rights Quiz


Prepare an application letter or a petition to the International Court of Justice or to the European Court of Human Rights about serious violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or accordingly the European Convention on Human Rights in your country, referring to the articles of these international documents.


1.Imagine that you are a reporter for a famous Ukrainian newspaper. Write a report “Human Rights Violations in Ukraine nowadays”.


How much do you know about human rights? Answer the following questions and check your knowledge.

1. Do all people in the world have the same rights under the law?

2. Are Laws and Rights the same thing?

3. Is the Declaration of Human Rights an international document?

4. Do all countries in the world succeed in protecting the rights of all their citizens?



Answer the questions choosing only one variant.

1 How many articles are there in the Declaration of Human Rights?




2 What is the best way to end child poverty?

give them money

change the government

give them education

3 What year was the Declaration of Human Rights adopted?

4 Who was Ghandi?

a god

the first president of the USA

a Human Rights fighter who helped India becoming and an

independent country

famous scientist

5 Who is Nelson Mandela?

the president of South Africa who spent more than 27 years in prison

the president of Mexico

a religious leader

a famous singer



Unit 4 European Union: Institutional System Section 1 The Evolution of EU  

1. Who speaks what and where?

Match the words in the columns, mark the main stress in the words and practice saying them:

Belgium Lithuanian Brussels

Malta Hungarian Berlin

Germany Greek Rome

Holland French, Flemish Amsterdam

Hungary German Vilnius

France Maltese, English Paris

Italy Italian Budapest

Greece Polish Athens

Lithuania Dutch Warsaw

Poland French Valetta


2. Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents:


1) supranational entity a a) охороняти спільні цінності
2) to conceive to do smth b b) внутрішній валовий продукт
3) gross domestic product 4) goods and services c c) політичний колір (устрій) d) віднині спільна доля
5) to safeguard the common values d e) наднаціональний суб’єкт права
6) political complexion 7) destiny henceforward shared 8) political complexion e f) політичний колір g) товари та послуги h) задумати щось зробити

3. Fill in the gaps and practice saying the words:

Європа   Europe
економний, ощадливий    

4. Prediction. Answer the following questions:

1) What kind of political entity the European Union is:

a) a unitary state;

b) an international organization;

c) a federation.

2) Do you think the European integration cuts down each state’s sovereignty?

3) Can we say that absolute national sovereignty is being gone?