Work in pairs. Choose 5 questions which you take an interest in and ask your partner to answer them and vice versa. Discuss them with the group.

Explain the difference between these words using all information from the unit.


Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets (Passive or Active). Explain grammar phenomena of the underlined words. Translate the text.

Using the information below find in the text the sentence with these words, translate it. Give your own sentences with these adjectives.


Translate the text into English.

Трудове право це галузь права, яка регулює трудові відносини між робітником та роботодавцем, трудовими колективами та профспілками. Трудовий кодекс України, що набрав чинності у 1972 році, встановлює вимоги, які повинен виконувати роботодавець. Серед них: що місячна заробітна платня повинна бути не нижчою від мінімальної, встановленої законом; робочий тиждень не повинен перевищувати 40 годин; оплачувана відпустка не менше 24 календарних днів; понаднормова робота дозволяється тільки при обставинах, передбачених законом та за умови подвійної оплати; переведення на іншу посаду та місце праці здійснюється лише за згодою самого працівника і т.д.



The former - the first of two people or things that have been mentioned: distinguished from latter.

The latter should only be used to refer to the second of two items.

The existing labour codes _______(contain) conditions of work, individual employment relations, wages and compensations and so on. The activities and rights of trade unions also_______(regulate) by labour law. The latter also covers the issues of making and terminating individual employment relations. Historically speaking, this kind of law used_______(describe) as the law of master and servant. The Ukrainian Labour Code provides that an employment contract is a special form of employment agreement that may_____(use) only where permitted by law. It should______(note) that unlike common-law countries, the civil-law ones attach more importance to the individual contract of employment.



- employer and employee

- employment agreement and employment contract


1. What legal steps should you take in employment recruiting?

3. During the application and interview process, what qualifications can an employer look for?

4. What would an illegal advertisement contain?

5. What are permissible and impermissible interview questions?

6. Do you have to give references?

7. How must employees be paid?

8. Should you be paid for lunch and rest breaks?

9. Are you entitled to overtime for working on weekends, holidays, or at night?

10. What is the minimum wage?

11. Is drug testing legal?


3. Work in pairs. Choose any word or word combination from the list below and let your partner guess the word you have chosen. Your partner should ask you questions and your answer must be just “Yes” or “No”. There will be no more than 20 questions.

Employer, employee, labour law, dismissal, grievance, wage, trade union, collective agreement, collective contract.

Unit 3 The Basic Aspects of Labour Law in Ukraine Section 2 The Main Terms and Conditions of Employment (statutory rights of employee and employer)