Insert one of the following words into the text in an appropriate form.
Explain the difference between a law and a directive.
Speak on differences between harmonisation and unification of EU law.
to assemble to discuss to enact to feel to apply to bind |
In February 1997, a large symposium was convened in The Hague _______ the further harmonization of European private and commercial law. More than 200 jurists ____________ for this particular purpose, most of them academics, judges, practitioners and civil servants from EU Member States, but also representatives from the EU Parliament and Commission, as well as observers from countries currently _________ for EU membership.
The conference title was "Towards a European Civil Code". The ultimate goal for the pro-Code group in Europe is the enactment of comprehensive legislation, _________________ upon all European Union Members and comprising virtually all aspects of private and commercial law.
Though the idea of drafting and implementing such a codex is not really new, it might seem both unworkable and unattainable, at least in the foreseeable future. Then again, as certain influential delegates emphasized in the Hague, the Code project has already gained the support of the ever-more-powerful European Parliament, and if a Civil Code were to be ____________ as a Directive or Regulation, it would not even require a unanimous vote! For these and other reasons, even the most skeptical among the symposium participants ________ compelled to take a second, more serious look.
6. Translate into Ukrainian. Make a title of the text. Explain the difference of the terms: a decree - an act; to adopt - to pass; a purpose - an aim.
According to the Minister of Economic Affairs of Ukraine, Anatoly Kinah, for the purpose of efficient realization of our state exports capacity, harmonization of monetary policy and in the context of increase in competitiveness of Ukrainian exports, the Government has adopted the Decree “On validation of procedure of determination of periods and conditions of completion of import transaction without carriage of goods inwards Ukraine”. it was passed in 2007.
The aim of the Decree is very important for the European integration. “The subject-matter of this draft decree is governed by banking law, which, according to the Act of Ukraine “On nationwide programme of harmonization of the law of Ukraine with the law of the European Union”, belongs to priority sectors, within which the laws of Ukraine are harmonized with the laws of the European Union”, - the Minister of Economic Affairs of Ukraine, A. Kinah has told.