Make up sentences according to the model.
Point out sentences with Participles II in the text and explain the use.
Use the table to make up sentences. Add the appropriate adverbial phrases. Mind Passive Voice.
Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
Psychiatrists who evaluated Milwaukee serial … Jeffrey Dahmer gave many reasons for his strange behaviour: “The drugging was done to satisfy his sexual need for a not-fully cooperative partner”. “Death was an unintended by-product of his efforts to create a zombie”. But it was Dahmer who summed it up best, “I carried it too far, that’s for sure”.
Defendants who enter a … of not guilty by reason of … are claiming that they cannot be held criminally responsible for their acts. The issue in the insanity defence is whether the defendant had the requisite guilty …– or whether it was obliterated by mental illness. When a plea is not guilty because insane is entered, the defendant, upon the request of the …, is commonly sent to mental … for psychiatric examination, with the trial time fixed for a date following this diagnosis interval.
8. Which stages of criminal procedure do the following headlines correspond to?
1. ‘Judge Pickings Set Britney Free’
2. ‘Diana’s Death. Jury’s Decision’
3. ‘Naomi Campbell Arrested for Assaulting’
4. ‘President Killed by Single Bullet’
5. ‘Factory Fire ‘No ACCIDENT’’
6. ‘Witness Refuses from Telling the Truth’
7. ‘Kirkorov Accused of Public Insult. Court Decision?’
John Smith | to sentence to to send to prison to fine to be kept to be accused to be charged to appear to be brought to be convicted | of kidnapping before a judge in court with theft of murder in custody for life 500$ 5 years |
10. Translate the article of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine:
Стаття 94. Приводи і підстави до порушення кримінальної справи
Приводами до порушення кримінальної справи є:
1) заяви або повідомлення підприємств, установ, організацій, посадових осіб, представників влади, громадськості або окремих громадян; 2) повідомлення представників влади, громадськості або окремих громадян, які затримали підозрювану особу на місці вчинення злочину або з поличним; 3) явка з повинною; 4) повідомлення, опубліковані в пресі; 5) безпосереднє виявлення органом дізнання, слідчим, прокурором або судом ознак злочину.
Справа може бути порушена тільки в тих випадках, коли є достатні дані, які вказують на наявність ознак злочину.
Model:To present to the lawyers/ to be not sufficient/ documents.
The documents presented to the lawyers were not sufficient.
1. To charge with shoplifting/ to listen to the person/ they.
2. To accuse of kidnapping/ may be cross-examined/ Mr.Simpson.
3. Martha Black/ to convict by the court/ to be imprisoned.
4. To be going to appeal the court decision/ William/ to sentence to 5 years.
5. The offender/ to bring before a court/ to release on bail.