In the sentences below complete the de-voweled legal terms with the missed letters.

Choose the words which best complete the text below.


Complete the sentences using the information from the text.

1) Crimes are considered injurious to …

2) Actus reus may be accomplished by …

3) Where the actus reus is a failure to act…

4) A guilty mind means …

5) Unless the act of which a defendant is accused is expressly defined by statute as a crime…

1. In the text “Definition and Elements of the Crime” find the antonyms for the following words:

innocent, harmless, exclude, right, illegally, liberal, insignificant.

The criminal law generally prohibits undesirable 1)______________. Thus, proof of a 2)______________ requires proof of some act. Scholars label this the requirement of an actus reus or 3)______________ act. Some crimes require no more, and they are known as strict liability offenses. Nevertheless, because of the potentially severe consequences of criminal conviction, judges at common law also sought proof of an 4)______________ to do some bad thing, the 5)______________ rea or guilty mind. As to crimes of which both actus reus and mens rea are requirements, judges have concluded that the elements must be present at precisely the same moment and it is not enough that they occurred sequentially at different times.

1) a. acts b thoughts c. words

2) a. law b. indictment c. crime

3) a guilty b. motive c. innocent

4) a. crime b. intent c. wrongful

5) a. actus b. mens d. reus


1) A "crime" is any act or __m__ ss__ __n in violation of a public l__w forbidding or commanding it.

2) Though there are some common law cr__m__s, most crimes in the United States are established by local, state, and federal governments.

3) American cr__m__n__l laws vary significantly from state to state.

4) In the USA there is a Model P__n__l Code (MPC) which serves as a good starting place to gain an understanding of the basic structure of criminal l__ __b__l__t__.
5) Crimes include both f__l__n__ __s (more serious __ff__ns__s like murder or rape) and misdemeanors (less serious offenses like petty th__ft or jaywalking).

6) Felonies are usually crimes punishable by imprisonment of a year or more, while m__sd__m__ __n__rs are crimes punishable by less than a year.

7) No act is a crime if it has not been previously established as such either by st__t__t__ or c__mm__n law.

4. Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

Злочин, правопорушення, суспільно небезпечна дія, бездіяльність, обвинувачуваний, умисел, суспільно небезпечний умисел, обвинувальний висновок, засудження.

5. Translate the articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

Стаття 162. Порушення недоторканності житла

1. Незаконне проникнення до житла чи до іншого володіння особи, незаконне проведення в них огляду чи обшуку, а так само незаконне виселення чи інші дії, що порушують недоторканність житла громадян, - караються штрафом від п'ятдесяти до ста неоподатковуваних мінімумів доходів громадян або виправними роботами на строк до двох років, або обмеженням волі на строк до трьох років.

2. Ті самі дії, вчинені службовою особою або із застосуванням насильства чи з погрозою його застосування, - караються позбавленням волі на строк від двох до п'яти років.