Read the definitions and write the words in the grid to find the mystery word.

Use the clues on the left to complete the words on the right.


Prepare a report on the route of a criminal or civil case from the lowest court to the highest one in the UK.


Mrs George is a witness to the robbery. The judge is questioning her. Complete the dialogue with the answers given below.

Explain the difference between a magistrate and a judge.

Use the diagram in exercise 2 from DEVELOPMENT to speak about the judicial system in England and Wales.


2. Compare the judicial system of Ukraine and that of England and Wales. Make up a plan. At first find all similar points and then the different ones.

Notes: witness – свідок

robbery – грабіж

inscription – напис

wig – перука

Judge: Now, Mrs George, you saw the shop robbery, didn’t you?

Mrs George: Yes, I did.

- Did you see a man?

- Can you see that man in the courtroom?

- Was he alone when he went into the shop?

- Look around the court. Can you see that woman?

- Now look at the man and woman again. This is very important. Are you absolutely sure about them?

- Mrs George, what was the man wearing when he went into the shop?

- Look at the bags on the table. Can you see it?

- Do you remember anything about the woman?

- How do you know that it was a wig?

- Which of the wigs on the table?

- Thank you, Mrs George.


Mrs George’s answers:

- Yes. A red coat and a blond wig.

- Yes, that’s the man I saw.

- Absolutely.

- I don’t remember everything… but I remember his grey coat and a large black bag.

- That’s right. I saw him when he came into the shop and when he came out.

- On the left, with short blond curly hair.

- Yes, that woman over there.

- It fell off when she was running to the car.

- No, he was with a woman.

- The large black bag with the golden inscription.


Why does the judge ask such detailed questions?

Now speak about the case as 1) a judge; 2) Mrs George 3) one of the robbers.


1) Senior official in a court of law. _ u_ _ e

2) The branch of law dealing with crime. C _ _ _ I _ a _ _ a _

3) A country’s body of judges. J _ _ _ _ I _ _ y

4) A panel of twelve people who decide

whether the accused committed a crime. _ _ _ y

5) Untrained lawyer who presides over the

lowest criminal court. _ a _ _ _ t _ _ t _


1) A member of a jury;

2) The place where a trial is held;

3) The chief official in control of a court of law;

4) The right to use an official power to make legal decisions, or the area where this right exists;

5) An official decision made in a court of law, especially about whether someone is guilty of a crime or how a death happened;

6) Relating to law, judges or their system;

7) A formal request to a court or someone in authority asking for a decision to be changed;

8) A legal process in which a judge and often a jury examine information to decide whether a person is guilty of a crime;

9) A person who has a certificate in law.





Unit 3 Lawyer Section 1 Defence Lawyer in Ukraine