Find in the text

The summary of the text contains mistakes. Correct them.


The text “Independence of Judges, their Status and Role in Judicial Proceedings” deals with the constitutional law. It starts with the description of judges’ functions in the USA. Then it explains the judicial independence doctrine in the UK. After that the author introduces two types of judicial independence in Ukraine. Further on the author passes on to the status of judges in Ukraine. At the end of the text there is a definition of a judge.

a) - the definition of a judge;

- the explanation of the judicial independence doctrine in the UK;

- two types of judicial independence in the USA;

- the functions of a judge.

b) the legal terms which correspond to the following definitions:

- an institution that has power to make or change the laws;

- respectful of the law and obeying it;

- not involved in a particular situation and therefore able to give a fair opinion or piece of advice;

- disobedience or disrespect towards the court of law or judge;

- to officially decide who is right in a disagreement and decide what should be done;

- an order that forbids something;

- an act of interfering in something.

3. Decide which pairs of words below are the same (synonyms), opposite (antonyms) or different. Add at least one pair to each group.

Independence – dependence, long – good, term – tenure, impartial – fair, points – questions, biased – impartial, law – fact, post – position, interpret – apply, unlawful – illegal, civil – criminal.

4. Complete the lists with the words and phrases connected with the following:

Sources of judicial independence: ...

Means of judicial independence: …

Status of judges: …

Duties of judges: …

5. a) Read the following definitions of the word ‘contempt’ and choose the one in which it is used in the text:

a) a feeling that someone or something is not important and deserves no respect;

b) disobedience(непокора) or disrespect towards a court;

c) disobedience or disrespect towards a judge;

d) complete lack of fear about something.

b) Match the types of contempt of court to their Ukrainian equivalents:

Direct contempt Невиконання судового розпорядження, винесеного на користь іншої сторони
Indirect contempt Неповага до суду у засіданні
Civil contempt Злочинна неповага
Criminal contempt Неповага до суду поза засіданням, непідкорення розпорядженню (суду)

c) Find the English equivalents for the following words and phrases in the paragraphs below among those in italics:

Давати хабара; розкривати/розголошувати; образа судді; порушення громадського порядку; неповага перед судом/відкрита неповага в суді; бути упередженим; чесність; перешкоджати; нарада присяжних(обговорення справи).


In common law countries contempt includes the following:

- interference with the result of legal proceedings, e.g. giving a bribe or threatening witnesses, the jury or a judge;

- contempt in the face of court, e.g. using threatening language or creating a disturbance in court;

- abuse of a judge or attacks on integrity of the administration of justice;

- interference with the general process of administration of justice, e.g. disclosing the deliberations of a jury.

In the UK it is a statutory contempt to publish, by any means, anything that creates a serious risk that the justice in particular active legal proceedings will be impeded or prejudiced; to get or disclose any details of jury discussions and to bring into a court or use a tape recorder without permission. Contempt of court is a criminal offence punishable by a jail sentence and/or a fine.

d) Which types of contempt of courts exist in our legislation?


6. Give your opinion on the following statements using the expressions in brackets:

(I think, as far as I am concerned, I believe)

1. Any attempts to pressure judges, people’s assessors or jurors aimed at preventing them carrying out an examination of a case should be punished.

2. It is difficult to discipline people who try to pressure a judge.

3. The judges are human beings with all human weaknesses, so they can make mistakes.

4. Judges cannot be really independent.

5. It is necessary to provide decent conditions for the work of court.

6. One of the biggest problems is non-observance of laws, regulations and


7. Translate the following into English:

Згідно з Конституцією правосуддя в Україні здійснюють професійні судді, а також народні засідателі та присяжні у визначених законом випадках. Справи в судах першої інстанції розглядаються суддею одноособово, колегією суддів або суддею і народними засідателями, судом присяжних. Суддя, який розглядає справу одноособово, діє як суд. Судді при здійсненні правосуддя є незалежними від будь-якого впливу, нікому не підзвітні, підкоряються лише закону. Гарантії самостійності та незалежності суддів визначаються Конституцією та законами Україні. Суддям забезпечується свобода неупередженого вирішення справ відповідно до їх внутрішнього переконання, що ґрунтується на вимогах закону.