Complete the sentences with the words from the active vocabulary.

Give the English equivalents for the following words and phrases.


Find words in the text which have a similar meaning to the words or phrases below.


1. Answer the following questions using the information from the text:

1. What does the term Roman law refer to?

2. What law in Rome was the first to set equal rights for plebs and patricians?

3. What legislation was used to draft the law of the twelve tables?

4. Why did the distinction between the jus gentium and the jus civile become obsolete?

5. What is Justinian I famous for?

6. When and where did Europeans begin a thorough study of Roman law?

7. What is Rome’s most important contribution to European legal culture?

2. Find in the text words and expressions which mean:

1. someone who legally belongs to a particular country and has rights and responsibilities there, whether they are living there or not;

2. not longer useful because something newer and better has been invented;

3. decided or arranged without any reason, often unfairly;

4. to include something as part of a group, system, plan etc;

5. to become known about or used by more and more people:;

6. the ability or right to control people or events;

7. an ordinary person who had no special rank in ancient Rome;

8. to persuade someone to do something;

9. someone who has a very detailed knowledge of law;

10. to write a plan, letter, report etc that will need to be changed before it is in its finished form.



Para 2 to use

Para 3 to write down



para 4 resident


para 6 methodical

to integrate

to start up



Cукупність правових норм, розробити проект закону, відповідати вимогам, застарілі правила, важливий внесок, приватне право, видавати закон, розповсюджувати правову культуру, переконати патриціїв, тлумачити закони, застосовувати закони, політична влада, включити до правової системи.

1. Our original proposals were not … in the new legislation.

2. AIDS is not … by common everyday contact.

3. These laws are often difficult … in practice.

4. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his … to Quantum Theory.

5. The government has carried out numerous executions and … arrests.

6. In the end she … the jury of her innocence.

7. A 16-member commission to … a new constitution was also set up.

8. The State Department will … a statement at noon.

9. The prisoners were well … by their guards.

10. Some applicants who meet the… are rejected because they are not Ukrainian citizens.

3. Match a word in column A with a word/phrase in column B to make phrases from the text “Roman Law”.


apply Roman law

meet a decree

incorporate a thorough study

issue supreme political power

spread scientific methods

convince the subject of law

treat patricians

give the requirements