Timer Setting
Suppose you want to make a recording of the station on the programme position 10 from 11 : 00 to 12 : 30 on December 9,1999.
1. Insert a cassette. The VTR is turned on automatically. Turn on the TV.
2. Press TIMER SET.
3. Select the programme position with PROGRAMME + or —. Press PROGRAMME + or — until the programme position number 10 is displayed in the display window.
4. Press NEXT. Set the day with PROGRAMME +/-. Press PROGRAMME + or — until “9” is displayed in the display window.
5. Press NEXT. Set the month with PROGRAM +/-. Press PROGRAM + or — until "12" (for December) is displayed in the display window.
6. Press NEXT. Set the hour of the start time with PROGRAM +/-. Press PROGRAM + or — until "11" is displayed in the display window. NOTE: When the month is set in the above step 5 the year will be displayed automatically.
7. Press NEXT. Set the minute with PROGRAM +/-. Press PROGRAM + or — until "00" is displayed in the display window.
8. Press NEXT. Set the end time with PROGRAM +/-, referring to steps 6 and 7.
9. Press NEXT. The indicator appears 1in the window, and the VTR enters the timer stand-by mode.
The unit will automatically turn on when the preset time comes and will start recording. When it completes recording, the power will automatically be turned off.
Абсолютным причастным оборотом называется причастный оборот, имеющий подлежащее, отличное от подлежащего всего предложения. Поскольку в русском языке нет абсолютных причастных оборотов, их можно переводить несколькими способами:
The agenda being exhausted, the meeting was closed.:
1. Повестка дня была исчерпана, и собрание закрыли. (сложносочиненное предложение)
2. После того как повестка дня была исчерпана, собрание закрыли. (сложноподчиненное предложение)
3. Повестка дня была исчерпана. Собрание закрыли. (самостоятельные предложения)
Иногда абсолютный причастный оборот можно перевести с помощью русского наречия причем:
All the values are considerably higher, their mean being 6.45.
Все величины оказываются значительно более высокими, причем их среднее значение составляет 6,45.
9.1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the absolute constructions:
A. 1. A new technique having been worked out, the results improved considerably. 2. The congress being over, the delegates went home. 3. He agreed to write an article on atomic power plant safety, the problem being of considerable significance. 4. The experiment having been carried out, we started a new investigation. 5. The voltage being very low, the machine-tool would not operate properly. 6. The insulation being poor, the short circuit was practically inevitable. 7. Boron steel rods having been used, the chain reaction rate became normal. 8. Carbon dioxide from burning fuels rapidly increasing in the atmosphere, the heat is reflected back to the earth causing the so called greenhouse effect. 9. The X-ray method of examining inner organs being to a certain extent harmful, scientists have developed a new method of ultrasonic examination. 10. The possibility of projection with ultra-violet optical system being proved, the UV-Copying System CAPS could be developed.
B .1. A spacecraft being designed for a mission to Mars, we are waiting for the next favourable opportunity when Mars makes its close approach to Earth. 2. The new device being introduced, only small changes in the image would be transmitted over Picturephone lines. 3. The quality of ceramics being steadily improved, a tenfold improvement over the earlier devices was obtained. 4. Propane and butane being transported by sea, the transportation must be carried out at reduced temperatures. 5. The telescope system being in orbit, reliable remote control from the ground must be provided. 6. A highly efficient metering system being developed by Asahi, the Pentax Spotmatic camera guarantees perfect exposures automatically. 7. Having noticed the carbattery failure, electrolyte solution was immediately added. 8. The actual leak in the system having been spotted, the engine was shut off for repair. 9. The button on the controller being pressed, the automatic regenerating, process is initiated. 10. Having provided improved means for modulating electrical signals, the device performance became very effective.
C. 1. They tested various methods, with no results meeting the requirements. 2. The pump worked hard, without the level of water decreasing considerably. 3. A pre-heater is unnecessary, with the oxygen normally available. 4. The key difficulty is how agriculture could continue to use chemicals to good advantage without health hazards of drinking water nitrate pollution. 5. The machine-tool meets all the requirements with the operator having a push-button control. 6. A new gas filter was introduced with no radical change of the exhaust. 7. The power station will operate on a dual pressure steam cycle with the turbine high pressure cylinder designed to accept steam at two pressures. 8. With the experiments having being carried out successfully, they started volume production of the device. 9. With the computer having become a common business tool, the information can be stored in electronic memories and got out by pressing a button. 10. Hour after hour the seal's flippers in icy water would remain only a few degrees above zero without the animal showing any sign of discomfort.
9.2. Make the written translation of the texts below:
The WTC was designed by Minoru Yamasaki and constructed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey as headquarters for the development of international business. Construction began in 1966 and was dedicated in April 1973.
The WT. is located on a 16 acre area and includes six buildings: two 110-story towers (One World Trade Centre and Two World Trade Centre) and four low-rise buildings all surrounding a five acre landscaped plaza.
Each of the towers is 1350 feet high, 209 feet square and contains 110 stories. Each floor is equivalent to about I acre in size.
Located atop the towers are TV and radio transmitters that serve the business and entertainment needs.
The 107th floor of the One WTC houses a restaurant whereas the 107th floor of two WTC houses the Observation Deck with floor-to-ceiling windows facing in every direction and affording a 55-mile view.
Your eye reaches as far as New York midtown with the famous skyscrapers, the New York harbour, the mighty Hudson, the Statue of Liberty and the eternal Brooklyn Bridge.
By day, the panorama is a real life-drama played out before your eyes. By night, it sparkles with its own jewellery of lights and stars.
Wind and weather permitting you can reach even greater heights. Take the escalator up from the Deck to the Rooftop Promenade above the 110th floor. You’ll be standing on the world’s highest outdoor observation platform.
The Deck is open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. from October through May, and 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. from June through September, for more information call (212) 435 - 7377.