Инфинитив является неличной формой глагола, как причастие и герундий: он только называет действие, но не имеет лица, числа и наклонения. Перевод инфинитива на русский язык зависит от его функции в предложении:

1. Подлежащее: To test the air balloon is very important. Очень важно провести испытания воздушного шара.

2. Часть составного сказуемого: His plan was to test the air balloon. Он планировал провести испытания воздушного шара.

3. Дополнение: He decided to test the air balloon. Он решил провести испытания воздушного шара.

4. Обстоятельство: To test the air balloon he needs very accurate measuring instruments. - Ему нужны очень точные приборы для испытания воздушного шара. An oxygen atom combines two hydrogen atoms to form a molecule of water. - Молекула воды образуется при соединении атома кислорода с двумя атомами водорода.

5. Определение: The balloon to test was very large. - Испытываемый аэростат был очень большой.

6. Часть составного сказуемого со словами likely, unlikely: The air balloon is likely to be safe. - Вполне вероятно, что этот воздушный шар совершенно безопасен. The air balloon is unlikely to be safe. - Маловероятно, что этот воздушный шар вполне безопасен.

7. Часть сложного дополнения (COMPLEX OBJECT): We know him to test air balloons. - Мы знаем, что он испытывает воздушные шары.

8. Часть сложного подлежащего (COMPLEX SUBJECT): He is known to testair balloons. - Известно, что он испытывает воздушные шары. She is said to have published the book. – Говорят, она опубликовала книгу.

8.1. Find the infinitives, determine their functions and translate the sentences:

1. To realise the idea was quite necessary. 2. They tried to realise the idea. 3. The idea to realise was rather simple. 4. To realise the idea it was necessary to get special equipment. 5 The idea is likely to be of interest. 6. We know her to realise the idea successfully. 7. The idea is known to have been realised successfully. 8. I arrived home to find that the telegram had already been received. 9. To predict the existence of an unknown phenomenon or object has always been considered a topmost achievement for the theory. 10. Ring sections of the reactor are then welded together to form a complete sphere.


8.2. Translate the sentences paying attention to the infinitives:

1. The quantity of water which is used varies with the king of product to be made. 2. They suggested performing an experiment to prove their point 3. To understand the size of a micron it may be pointed out that a particle of even 50 microns is microscopic. 4. To design plans of new buildings is the work of an architect. 5. He often forgot to register the results of experiments. 6. A thermometer is a device to show the temperature. 7. Each type of atom is known to have a name and symbol. 8. The device is unlikely to operate. 9. The device to operate was unknown to him. 10. To carry out the task they had to work for three hours.


8.3. Translate the sentences paying attention to Complex Object and Complex Subject:

A. 1. We know her to have completed the investigation. 2. The discovery is known to cause a sensation. 3. Improved reactors must be developed for the atomic power plants to become safe. 4. When electric sparks are passed though air oxygen and nitrogen combine to form oxides of nitrogen. 5. You must do your best to radically improve the device. 6. For the manuscript to be readable the symbols had to be replaced by the language elements they represent. 7. For this process to occur the surface of the powder must be oleophilic. 8. He is unlikely to participate in the game. 9. It is possible to suggest only what is likely to happen. 10. A filler is said to have a good thermal conductivity when is has a higher thermal conductivity than the mass it is mixed with.

B. 1. The discovery is likely to have been made by a group of scientists. 2. We’d like him to be invited to the party. 3. The meeting is likely to be held at the office next week. 4. She is expected to come tomorrow. 5. The article is too difficult for him to translate into English. 6. It is necessary for Tom to get there today. 7. All the books were ordered to be returned within 5 days. 8. Press on the wound firmly to quickly flatten the cut blood vessel. 9. Oil fields are unlikely to be found in that region. 10. The invention made by our scientists is known to be of great importance for agriculture. 11. Nobody wanted the meeting to be put off. 12. The expedition is believed to have reached its destination.