СОКРАЩЕНИЕ (АББРЕВИАТУРА) – это написание части слова вместо целого, например, Dpt. < Department, dtd. < dated.
5.4. Translate the sentences. Consult Appendix 2 or dictionaries for abbreviations:
1. Two 324.75 MW turbo-generators will produce electric power. 2. Gas blowers are driven at a constant speed of 1,487 r. p. m. by an A. C. motor of 9,850 Hp. 3. Gas will pass at a pressure of 275 psi. 4. The graphite core will be penetrated by over 4,000 vertical holes of approximately 4 ins in diameter. 5. For every 100 lbs of semolina some 26 lbs of water ranging in temperature from 70°F to 140°F are used. 6. The difference between equatorial and polar radiation intensities was about .015 degree. 7. The mass of an electron equals 9.108 x l0 g. 8. Proton is a positively charged elementary particle, the mass of which is 1.007579 amu.
АКРОНИМ –это слово, образованное из первых букв нескольких слов, например, radar < radio detection and ranging.
При переводе акронимов, используются следующие методы:
1. Транслитерация используется только для широко известных акронимов, например, NATO - НАТО, и т.д. В остальных случаях рекомендуется использовать методы, описываемые ниже.
2. Если акроним редко встречается в оригинальном тексте, переводчик может дать перевод полного термина, например, WIFE (Water Injection - Fume Exhaustion) - нагнетание воды и отсос дыма.
3. Если акроним часто встречается в оригинальном тексте, лучше дать русскую транскрипцию с примечанием (даже если в оригинальном тексте примечания нет). Это делается только один раз, при следующих переводах данного акронима используется только его русская транскрипция, например, HELP (High-Energy Leadless Package) - ХЭЛП (термин образован из начальных букв английских слов, обозначающих “безвыводный корпус для мощных полупроводниковых приборов”).
5.5 Translate the sentences, paying attention to the acronyms:
1. They’d like to introduce CAPE (Computer Aided Production Engineering). 2. There was a fire in a coal mine. To put the fire out the fire brigade had to resort to a WIFE method (Water Injection – Fume Exhaustion). 3. The operator shall not forget to do the SOS (Scheduled Oil Sampling). 4. The labour efficiency increased greatly due to the EDGE (Electronic Data Gathering Equipment). 5. The investigation was carried out during the NEAR (Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous). 6. OPEC decided to decrease oil export in January (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries). 7. The TOD was fixed at 22.30 (Time of Departure). 8. Their intention was to buy MBAs (Multibeam Antenna). 9. The system has been provided with an ACU (Alarm Control Unit). 10. The installation could supply the factory with 500 BOD (Barrels of oil per Day).
5.6. Translate the sentences:
1. It’s common knowledge that liquids are non-compressible. 2. The food was non-digestible. 3. He decided to shorten the programme. 4. The substance was quite harmless. 5. They were listening to the story told by a survivor of the terrible earthquake. 6. Don’t worry, the disease is curable today. 7. A sad smile appeared involuntarily on her face. 8. The substance isn’t sensitive to X-rays without preliminary treatment. 9. Long-time storage of the drug is undesirable. 10. Unfortunately the instability of plasma couldn’t be completely eliminated. 11. The lightweight device is used for photomapping. 12. The receiver operates at ultra-short waves. 13. They suggested making the device water-proof. 14. A LED (Light Emitting Diode) is used here. 15. Something must be wrong with the DAD (Digital Audio Disk).