1. Основное различие при написании чисел в английских и русских текстах заключается в использовании точек и запятых. По английским правилам пунктуации точка отделяет десятичные знаки от целых частей, а в русском языке для этих целей используется запятая. В английской пунктуации запятая отделяет разряды целых чисел.
2. Ноль может опускаться при написании десятичных дробей.
3. Большое количество нулей после точки в английских десятичных дробях может заменяться нулем в соответствующей степени (см. таблицу).
3.459 | 3,459 |
4,875,672 | 4 875 672 |
.347 | 0,347 |
.062 | 0,0000002 |
5.1 Translate the sentences:
1. Sum up the numbers, please. 2. There must be a mistake in the subtraction exercise, check up the numbers by addition. 3. You should have added the numbers rather than subtracted them. 4. Would you kindly repeat the items of addition? 5. Here are two numbers for you to multiply. 6. The calculator can multiply two five-digit numbers. 7. Please divide the number by 15 and tell me what the quotient is equal to. 8. Before trying to solve the problem you should check up the multiplication factors. 9. You’ve missed the division sign. 10. Sorry, what number should be taken from 1218?
5.2 Translate the sentences paying attention to numbers. Convert to metric system if necessary (See Appendix 5):
1. The distance to the Moon is 239,000 miles. 2 The distance to the Sun is 90,000,000 miles. 3. The plane flew at the altitude of 30,000 ft. 4. The armoured plate was 1.5 in thick. 5. The rocket speed was as high as 3,500 km per hr. 6. I need the U.S. Patent No. 4,861,437. 7. The wall was 10.3 in thick. 8. The motor is said to operate at a rate of ca 1,000 r.p.m. 9. The pipe diameter was 75 in 10. The building site area was 16 acres.
5.3 Translate the sentences:
A. 1. Any improper fraction can be converted into a mixed fraction. 2. To add the two vulgar fractions you'll have to find first their common denominator. 3. What do you say the numerator of the fraction is? 4. A person can be likened to a fraction in which the numerator is what others value him for, and the denominator is his own estimation of his qualities. The larger the denominator the smaller is the fraction. 5. The decimal fraction 4.15 is read “four and fifteen hundredths” or “four point fifteen”. 6. To what power can the calculator raise numbers? 7. The calculator can do cube roots only. 8. I can't find the 5th power of the number manually. 9. Would you kindly repeat all the indices of the roots so that I could check them up. 10. What do you say the fourth power of the number is?
B.1. The sum is expressed by a mixed fraction. 2. You should have multiplied the number by three. 3. The fourth power of 45 is easy to calculate. 4. The calculator can do fifth roots as well. 5. Here is a table of logarithms. 6. I can't raise the number to the fourth power manually. 7. Please, find the square root of this number. 8. Nine into fifty four goes six times. 9. Three times eight equals... 10. Five multiplied by six is...
C.1. The power of the U. S. A-bomb dropped on Hiroshima was 20 kilotons whereas the power of modern H-bombs is within the megaton range. 2. It took them about a decade to solve the problem. 3. Water was pouring from the hole at a rate of three hectolitres per minute. 4. The electronic stop-watch can show time intervals with an accuracy of several microseconds. 5. In an American text the word “billion” means the 9th power of 10, whereas in an English text it is the 12th power of 10. 6. The 12-th power of 10 in an American text is trillion and the 9th power of 10 in an English text is milliard. 7. The laser emits a light beam of 100 manometers. 8. If the denominator is smaller than the numerator the fraction is improper. 9. This is an equation in two unknowns. 10. Unfortunately, I can't prove the equation.