Интернациональные слова– это слова, которые встречаются в нескольких языках приблизительно в одинаковой звуковой и графической форме и имеют приблизительно одинаковое значение. Это слова преимущественно латинского или греческого происхождения, например, radius -радиус, president - президент, organisation - организация, и т.д. Однако существуют интернациональные слова англицского (рус. “спорт”, “футбол”, “волейбол”, “компьютер”, “бизнес”, “комфорт”, “сервис”, и т.д.), русского происхождения (англ. “sputnik”, “vodka”, “Soviet”, “duma”, “Kremlin”, “samovar”, “mammoth”, “beluga”, “balalaika”, и т.д.), а также из других языков ( немецкого, французского, итальянского и т.д.).
Рис. 3
Объемы понятий двух слов могут полностью совпадать, например, Russia, H-bomb, Shakespeare (Россия, водородная бомба, Шекспир), и т.д. (рис. 3). Таких слов довольно много (собственные имена, географические названия, некоторые специальные термины и т.д.).
3.2. Translate the sentences. Mind international words:
A. 1. Some scientists had an argument about the methods of investigating the problem. 2. This portrait gallery is famous all over the world. 3. In my opinion you should ignore the result. 4. A large portion of the population lives in the country. 5. When giving evidence in a law court, we must tell the absolute truth. 6. At the age of 20 she became a champion of woman's rights. 7. Christmas and Easter are Church festivals. 8. They won by three goals to one. 9. The phenomenon will be illustrated by a diagram. 10. She earns a living by modelling clothes.
B. 1. There is not much correspondence between their ideals and ours. 2. I have been in correspondence with him about the problem. 3. When people are ill they need delicate food. 4. He performed a delicate surgical operation of the boy's eye. 5. It is an absolute fact. 6. An absolute promise must be kept whatever happens. 7. It is an act of kindness to help the invalid. 8. In the act of picking up the ball, he slipped and fell. 9. He appealed to our emotions rather than to our reason. 10. She spoke in a voice touched with emotion.
Рис. 4
Иногда объем понятия слова в одном языке шире, чем в другом (рис. 4). Например, англ. “teen-ager” шире, чем рус. “подросток”. Это значит, что рус. “подросток” всегда можно переводить как “teen-ager”, тогда как англ. “teen-ager” иногда нельзя перевести как “подросток”. Ср.:
1) подросток | 1) Мальчик или девочка в переходном возрасте |
2) мальчик или девочка с 13 до 19 лет | 2) – |
3) юноша | 3) – |
4) девушка до 20 лет, хорошо ориентирующаяся в моде и поп-музыке | 4) – |
Рис. 5
В данном случае некоторые значения двух слов совпадают, а некоторые характерны для того или иного языка (Рис. 5). Например, wood - лес (но: Строители возвели леса. The table is made of wood.), face - лицо (но: нежелательное лицо - persona nongrata, the face of watch - циферблат).
3.3. Translate the sentences, pay attention to the italicised words:
A. 1. He is in his element when taking part in a political debate. 2. Justice is an important element in good government. 3. There is an element of truth in his account of what has happened. 4. What a fantastic dream it was! 5. That was an utterly fantastic idea. 6. She's a really fantastic girl! 7. The submarine could dive to fantastic depths. 8. The piece of good luck lifted her spirit. 9. The mist began to lift. 10. Can you give me a lift to the station?
B. 1. He has made himself master of the language . 2. If only I could be master of this subject. 3. He's master of the situation. 4. She had to take an examination in French. 5. On examination, it was found out that the signature was not genuine. 6. Then the examination of witness began. 7. That was a fight to the finish. 8. The competitors were close together at the finish. 9. Birds learn to fly by instinct. 10. That was a picture instinct with life.
C.1. My personal opinion differs from yours. 2. I have something personal to discuss with you. 3. Prime Minister made a personal appearance at the meeting. 4. He did me a personal favour. 5. I object to such highly personal remarks. 6. She hated to be an object of pity. 7. It's no good living with no object in life. 8. He intended to work hard with the object of earning fame. 9. What an object you look in that old hat! 10. His tastes are in harmony with mine.
D.1. When did the plan come into operation? 2. Is this rule in operation yet? 3. The operation was aimed at defeating the enemy on the right bank of the river. 4. The patient needed an urgent operation for appendicitis. 5. Should a politician put public interest before party interest? 6. He was invited to a dinner party. 7. He refused to admit being a party to the robbery. 8. The earth's orbit round the sun has been carefully calculated. 9. How many satellites have been put in orbit round the earth? 10. When was the first man-made satellite orbited?
E. 1. They belonged to the original inhabitants of the country. 2. The original plan was better than the one adopted later. 3. We've expressed satisfaction with the design that was so original. 4. You should read Byron in the original. 5. At school we have six lesson periods of 40 minutes. 6. The house is 18th century and has period furniture. 7. The time during which the disease is latent is called the period of incubation. 8. You've missed the period at the end of the sentence. 9. A customs officer looked through his documents. 10. The young Army officer was promoted to the rank of Captain.