Adverbs, Conjunctions, Prepositions


aspire – стремиться

deliver a message – вручить (донести) послание

give rise to – давать начало, порождать

have a bearing on – иметь отношение к

measure – определять, оценивать

mirror – отражать, отображать

prosper – преуспевать

put on – надевать

re-discover – открывать заново

reveal – показывать

rule out – исключать

tell apart – различать

try on – примерять, пробовать


according to – в соответствии

a good deal of – много, большое количество

a plenty of – много, большое количество

just – всего лишь

truly – поистине, действительно


3.1. Define which word or word combination in each row differs from the others:

1) a. intelligence, b. mind, c. rebellion, d. individuality, e. creativity;

2) a. sheep skin coat, b. field jacket, c. bell-bottomed trousers,

d. down-filled jacket, e. person’s world-view;

3) a. conservative, b. illness, c. comfortable, d. wordless, e. cultural;

4) a. to wear, b. to put on, c. to go on, d. to try on, e. to have on;

5) a. a good deal of, b. a way of life, c. a great deal of, d. a lot of,

e. a plenty of.

3.1.1. Make sure that you remember the new words and word combinations

a) Give Russian equivalents to:

distance between groups; to deal with a new cut of a dress; bell-bottomed trousers; to trim with coloured natural fur; a good deal of new styles; to look like a goth; according to colour, style and our own taste; a means of self-expression; acceptance or rejection of style; a way of measuring mood; for instance; to dress a certain way

b) Give English equivalents to:

уверенность в себе; отношение к моде; иметь отношение к моде и изготовлению одежды; открыть заново бриджи для верховой езды; большое количество магазинов и рынков; мундир; дать начало новой моде; уровень развития; дубленка; владелец элегантных английских костюмов; смысл жизни.

3.1.2. Practise in translating the sentences with the new words and expressions.

1) Clothes show the person’s attitude towards the generally accepted norms.

2) We can easily recognize prospering businessmen dressed in cashmere coats and expensive suits.

3) Clothes reveal what groups people are in.

4) Young people prefer the latest fashion and people over 45 prefer a conservative or classic style.

5) Down-filled jackets and sheep skin coats are good for winter wear.

6) Language of clothes is a wordless means of communication understandable to everybody.

7) “Glossy syndrome” makes (побуждать) some people change their appearance and fashion.

8) Young women working on computers and having a knowledge of English are called secretary-linguists.



Texts and Exercises on the Texts

Text A. Look through the text and find the sentences in which the author writes about 1) the revealing function of clothes and 2) ideas fashion suggests nowadays.