The Language of Clothes

The history of clothing is very complex and as long as the history of human civilization. Clothing doesn’t only cover the human body and keeps people warm or cool; it also has its social, cultural and emotional values. Clothes of poor people in Russia, England, France, Spain or China as well as in many other countries always differed greatly from clothes of rich people. From the ancient times clothing showed the social status of a person, his occupation, ideal, taste and sometimes social ideas the person followed. At the same time clothes have shown variations between one country or one region and another.

There was no uniformity of style in clothes as it is today. Many countries had their national costumes and created their fashions. In the 17 thcentury France dictated fashion in Europe but in the 18-19 thcenturies the influence of the English fashion became stronger and stronger especially in the fashion for men. England gave a birth to the famous tailored costume with its elegant lines which is still very popular. We may say that the country dominating in Europe dictated fashion and style in clothes but mainly among the aristocracy.

Has anything changed in our century? Today the variations in clothing are disappearing and there is a tendency towards a uniformity of style. The fashion became international.

But clothing as it was earlier can tell people very much about a wearer.

Long before we are near enough to talk on the street, in a meeting or at a party we announce our sex, age and class through what we are wearing - and often give information (or misinformation) about our occupation, origin, personality, tastes and our current mood.

For thousands of years human beings have communicated with one another first in the language of dress. Shabbily dressed people are more apt to be treated shabbily. A man in a clean well pressed suit is likely to be helped up sooner than one in filthy tatters.

A person can look ridiculous in expensive fashionable clothes if he follows fashion without taking into account his age, occupation, figure or colour combinations, i. e. when he lacks good taste.

Being an inseparable part of human life clothes can make a person feel happy and self-confident or miserable, unhappy and ill at ease. The influence of clothes on the feelings of a person is very strong.

Very often, as it was mentioned above, you can find out from the first glance what kind of person you are dealing with; what group of the society he belongs to; what ideas he follows. The language of clothes is very expressive and you should learn it!

4.1.1 Read the text for detailed comprehension. a) Express the main idea of each paragraph in one or two sentences. b) Say why the author use such words as: a person, a man, a wearer, a human being, human beings in most sentences of the text. c) Say what information in the text is new to you.

4.1.2. Complete the sentences using the text.

1) There was no uniformity of style in clothes (как в наши дни).

2) The history of clothing is very complex and (такая же длинная, как и история человеческой цивилизации).

3) Many countries had their national costumes and (создавали свою моду).

4) Today the variations in clothing are disappearing and (наблюдается тенденция к единообразию стиля).

5) Very often, as it was mentioned above, you can find out from the first glance (с каким человеком вы имеете дело; к какой группе общества он принадлежит).

6) A person can look ridiculous in expensive fashionable clothes (если ему недостаёт хорошего вкуса).

7) England gave a birth to the famous tailored costume with its elegant lines (который всё ещё популярен).

8) In the 17 thcentury France dictated fashion in Europe but in the 18–19 thcenturies (влияние английской моды становилось всё сильнее и сильнее, особенно в одежде для мужчин).

4.1.3. Let’s discuss some ideas connected with the text. Use the conversational formulas given below.


1) Do you agree that clothing has its social, cultural and emotional values?

2) Do you agree that the country dominating in Europe dictated fashion and style in clothes in the past? And how are things going now?

Do you agree that: a) A person can look ridiculous in expensive fashionable clothes. b) The influence of clothes on the feelings of a person is very strong. c) A person in good clothes will be helped sooner than one in filthy tatters.

3) Do you agree that we can give not only information but misinformation as well about ourselves? Prove your position by some examples.

It goes without saying that; I can’t agree with the fact that; On the contrary; It seems doubtful to me (Мне это кажется сомнительным).

b) Let’s speak about clothes in general.

1) Can we say that all people follow the fashion of the period? Can you see people in clothes of the beginning of the 20thcentury or the 20-s or 30-s in the streets of the towns and villages today?

2) What influenced the style of clothes in different parts of the world in the past?

3) Why do people living in the south wear brighter clothes than people living in the north. (Compare St. Petersburg and Tashkent). Does the climate influence the choice of colours in clothing?

4) What kind of people usually follow the fashion?

5) Why do some young people prefer avant garde and often strange and ridiculous clothes? What do you think of their interests and education? What do they want to announce?

6) Why do the soldiers of different armies always wore and wear now different uniforms?

7) What do you think of the uniforms for pupils at schools and students at universities and academies? Are you for or against them? Explain your position.

4.1.4. Practise in translating the word combinations with the words ‘some’ and ‘same’ which are often confused.

1) some groups of the society – the same groups of the society

2) some jobs – the same jobs

3) some specialists – the same specialists

4) at some dressmaking establishment – at the same dressmaking establishment

5) some social ideas – the same social ideas

6) some expensive suits – the same expensive suits

7) some professions – the same professions

8) in some streets – in the same streets

4.1.5. Choose the right word combination to make up sentences corresponding to real situations.

1) If you can’t make dresses yourself you may have them made to order at (some dressmaking establishment; the same dressmaking establishment).

2) People can buy clothes for women, men and children in (some shop; the same shop).

3) In some European cities the fashionable shops are in (some streets; the same street).

4) In England of the beginning of the 15thcentury shops selling (some types of goods; the same type of goods) were in (some street; the same street).

5) From the ancient times clothing showed the social status of a person and his occupation. At (some time; the same time) clothes have shown variations between one country or one region and another.

6) The influence of (some social and political ideas; the same social and political ideas) on clothes can be very strong.

7) People in (some fashionable clothes; the same fashionable clothes) may look quite different.

8) In ancient times people in different countries and regions didn’t wear (some clothes; the same clothes).

9) (Some uniforms; the same uniforms) aren’t worn by Russian officers and soldiers and American ones.

10) (someRussian designers; the same Russian designers) are as famous as (some European ones; the same European ones).

4.1.6. Before reading the selections about clothes given in exercise 4.1.7 learn the italicised words:

apparel = clothes = garment = clothing = dress; to beg – умолять; bell – колокольчик; to cause – заставлять; churchman – священник; to comprehend – понимать; dagger – кинжал; domestic – домашний; fair – белокурый; to fasten – застёгивать; heavy – soled shoes – туфли на толстой подошве; inequality – неравенство; to line – класть на подкладку, подбивать; plain – 1) простой; 2) однотонный (о ткани); to reveal – открывать, показывать; ring – кольцо; serf – раб; state – состояние; stern – суровый; striped and crossed pattern – рисунок в клетку (о ткани); sword – меч; upper – верхний; weapon – оружие.


Clothes (parts of clothes) Decorations (trimmings)

belt – ремень, пояс bracelet – браслет
cloak – плащ button – пуговица
collar – воротник chain – цепочка; цепь
cuff – манжета clasp – пряжка
fedora hat – мягкая фетровая шляпа seal – печатка
glove – перчатка tape – тесьма; лента
robe – мантия    
shirt bosom – манишка    
shirt of linked mail – кольчуга    
sleeve – рукав    
tight-fitting suit – костюм, плотно облегающий фигуру    
veil – вуаль    
vest – жилет (ка)