

Verbs and Verbal Phrases

Nouns and noun combinations

(to be learnt)

glance – взгляд

influence – влияние

mood – настроение

origin – происхождение

region – район, область

society – общество

tatters – лохмотья

a tailored costume / suit – английский костюм

value – ценность

variation – различие

uniformity – единообразие

to announce – заявлять, сообщать

to be likely – вероятно, по всей вероятности

to communicate – общаться

to deal with – иметь дело с

to disappear – исчезать

to follow – следовать

to give a birth – дать начало, стать местом появления

to lack – недоставать, не хватать

to treat – обращаться с кем-либо

ancient – древний

apt – склонный к

complex – сложный

current – нынешний, текущий

expressive – выразительный

filthy – грязный

inseparable – неразделимый, неотделимый

miserable= unhappy – несчастливый, несчастный

ridiculous – смешной, нелепый

same – тот же самый; одинаковый


ill at ease – неловко, не по себе

long before – задолго до того, как

mainly – главным образом

shabbily dressed – бедно одетый

3.1. Make sure that you remember the new words and word combinations.

a) Give Russian equivalents to: a complex problem; from the ancient times; a tendency towards a uniformity of style; our current mood; shabbily dressed people; a clean well-pressed suit; filthy tatters; expensive fashionable clothes; to lack good taste; to feel ill at ease; from the first glance; groups of the society; the famous tailored costume; long before you speak; to treat somebody badly.

b) Give English equivalents to: различия между регионами; хорошее настроение; текущие события; иметь дело с работниками сферы обслуживания; сильное влияние; чувствовать себя несчастным; те же проблемы общества; следовать моде; влияние французской моды; неотъемлемая часть жизни людей; выглядеть нелепо в модной одежде; общаться друг с другом; культурные ценности; положить начало новому направлению в моде.

3.1.1. Translate the following word combinations into Russian. Use 10 of them (to your choice) in the sentences of your own.

a) Clothes of rich people; clothes of poor people; national clothes; modern clothes; the language of clothes; shabby clothes; clean well pressed clothes; tasteless clothes; expensive fashionable clothes; filthy tatters; clothes for summer/winter wear; clothes for women; clothes for men; clothes for children; home clothes; variations in clothing; uniform; tailor-made garments; light clothes; the cultural value of clothes; principles of clothes designing; to wear clothes.

b) National costume; Egyptian costume; Greek and Roman draped costumes; summer costume; the type of costume.

3.1.2. Identify the word in each row that differs from the other words.

1) a. cloth, b. clothes, c. clothing, d. garment, e. tatters.

2) a. stronger, b. warmer, c. wearer, d. poorer, e. earlier.

3) a. social, b. cultural, c. national, d. fashionable, e. emotional (values).

4) a. person, b. people, c. human being, d. man, e. wearer.

5) a. through, b. towards, c. among, d. always, e. under.

6) a. communicate, b. climate, c. dictate, d. create, e. dominate.

3.1.3. Identify the word combination that differs from the others. Pay attention to the international words.

1) Well-made beautiful clothes

2) the trend associated with Elegance

3) financial and business pages of the world’s press

4) good dress sense and plenty of initiative

5) an interesting combination of avant garde and traditional ideas

6) forecasting ability to develop styling concept and design ideas

7) fashion and style in clothes

8) the influence of the English fashion in Europe.

3.1.4. Add adjectives and adverbs to the following verbs. Give your variants. Reproduce the word combinations by memory.

a) Practise in combining words.

to feel: ill, cold, happy, bad, well, hungry, sad, ill at ease, comfortable, ... .

to become: strong (stronger); famous; cold (colder); green (greener); more expensive; more beautiful; poor (poorer); ... .

b) Add adjectives and nouns to the words given below. Follow the examples.

The... language(of)...: the English ~ ; the foreign ~ ; the ancient ~ ; the ~ of gestures; the written ~ ; the spoken ~ ; ... .

The influence of... (on): clothes; the language; weather, fashion, parents; the profession... .

3.1.5. Fill in the blanks with the correct word or word group given in brackets.

(information; gave a birth; glance; influence; uniform; wearer; countries; treated; dictate; keep their shape; tatters)

1) Officers, soldiers, pilots, militiamen and policemen wear a ______.

2) The draped type of clothes known as Greek and Roman costumes appeared in warm _______.

3) England ________ to the famous tailored costume.

4) Clothes can tell us much about a _______.

5) Mr. Johnson’s suits always _______well because he chooses expensive fabrics for them.

6) We often give _______ about ourselves through what we are wearing.

7) The _______ of clothes on the feelings of a person is very strong.

8) A man in good clothes is likely to be _______ better than a man in filthy _______.

9) Do France and Italy _______ fashion in Europe today?

10) You can find out from the first _______ what kind of person you are dealing with.

3.1.6. Respond to these statements orally.

1) Name five things you can wear.

2) Name clothes you can do without.

3) Name clothes you can’t do without.

4) Name the factors you have to take into account when buying or making fashionable clothes.

5) Name the feelings the clothes can arouse.

6) Name some changes in clothing in our century.

7) Name the kind of information we announce about ourselves through our clothes.



4. Text


4.1. Look through the text and identify the paragraphs and sentences which help to understand the title of the text and its main idea.