Response: I’ll go to the beach if the rain stops.

1) There is a chance you will go to St. Petersburg. You will visit many famous museums.

2) Perhaps it is going to rain. You’ll stay at home then.

3) There is a chance you’ll get a flat of your own. You’ll buy many new things then.

4) It is possible that you’ll get lost in a foreign city. You’ll ask a policeman for help then.

5) It is possible that you won’t know words. You’ll look them up in the dictionary.

6) There is a chance you’ll become a student of the Academy. You’ll study well then.

7) There is a chance you’ll go to England. You’ll visit many places of interest there.

8) Perhaps your friend will invite you to her birthday party. You’ll put on a new dress and shoes.

9) Perhaps you haven’t got the book at home. You’ll take it from the library then.

10) There is a chance you’ll stay at home over the weekend. You’ll watch TV, listen to music and read new magazines.

1.2.6. Complete the following sentences.

a) You are making plans for tomorrow / the day after tomorrow. Pay attention to the place of if in the sentences.

1) If it is a sunny day tomorrow, ... .

2) If it isn’t sunny, ... .

3) If my friend comes the day after tomorrow, ... .

4) If my friend doesn’t come, ... .

5) If the classes are over at half past one tomorrow, ... .

6) If the classes aren’t over at half past one, ... .

7) If I go to see my parents the day after tomorrow, ... .

8) If I don’t go to see my parents, ... .

9) If I am tired after classes tomorrow, ... .

10) If I am not tired after classes, ... .

b) You are making plans for the distant future.

1) I’ll ask my friend for help, if ... .

2) I’ll become a good specialist, if ... .

3) I’ll do my best to improve the production process at a factory, if ... .

4) I’ll go to the repair shop, if ... .

5) I’ll visit all famous museums, if ... .

6) I’ll draw sketches, make sample garments from different fabrics, if ... .

7) I’ll go to the South for my holiday, if ... .

8) I’ll learn spoken German, if ... .

9) I’ll learn to play tennis, if ... .

10) I’ll read foreign journals in the original, if ... .

1.2.7. Practise in using the Present Indefinite Tense instead of the Future Indefinite Tense after As Soon As.


Future Indefinite + as soon as + Present Indefinite


a) Illustrative situation.

The group of students is waiting for the lecturer. He is going to arrive any minute. Tanya who is looking through the window says: ‘Don’t worry! I’ll tell you as soon as he comes.

b) Make sentences for the following situations.

1) The director of the plant is waiting for some very important information. What must the telegraph operator do?

2) All the students are very hungry. The bell is going to ring. What is going to happen?

3) The lecture is going to end in a minute: your last bus is going to leave soon, too. What are you going to do?

4) You are waiting for a guest. Your sister is looking though the window. What will she do?

5) It has been a long day. You come home dog-tired. What are you going to do after supper?

6) You need a pair of strong shoes for street wear. The ones you need are just on sale, but you haven’t got the money at the moment. You’ll get money only the day after tomorrow. What will you do?

7) You are up to your ears in debt. You are a month behind with your rent. You will receive the money order from your parents in some days. What are you going to do with the money?

8) You haven’t seen your friend for ages though she lives not far from your place. Tomorrow you are having your last exam. What will be the first thing you’ll do after the exam?

1.3. Translate the following sentences into Russian. (time limit ЃE15 min.)


1) Секретарь собираетЃE ЃEчатать двЃEЃEсьЃE для руЃEводитеЃE (боссЃE.

2) ОЃEсобираетЃE ЃEсать статЃE ЃEсобытияЃEЃEстраыD.

3) Я собираюсь ЃEработать ЃEчитаЃEыMЃEзаЃE академии ЃEслЃEзаЃEтиЃE

4) Я ъьдеыR ЃEЃEто, ЃEтоЃE чтЃEсегодня хоЃEднЃE

5) МЃE ЃEдругЃEсобираетЃE учитЃEыDЃEцкий.


1) НЃEвоЃEуйтесь. ОЃEвернётся доЃEЃEдо того, ЃEЃEЃEйдёЃEдождЃE

2) Оъь выучит разгьAъAыZЃE(spoken) ыDЃEцкий до того, ЃEЃEЃEедет ЃEГерЃEыGю ъь рождественские ЃEыGЃEЃE.

3) ТЃEыD уйдёшь из доЃE, ЃEЃE ыD ЃEзавтраЃEешЃE

4) АвтьKеханик ъCреЃEыQируеЃEЃEшиыR до того, ЃEЃEЃEиеыQ ЃEидёЃEза ыDЃE

5) МЃEуберёЃEЃEартиру до того, ЃEЃEродитеЃE вернутЃE из ЃEЃEыCирьAЃE.


1) Оъь ЃEйдёЃEЃEшкьJЃE ЃEгдЃEей исЃEЃEитЃE сеЃE ЃEЃE


3) Твоя ЃEдругЃEвсё тебе рассЃEжеЃE ЃEгдЃEвы встретитесЃE

4) ОЃEстанет хирургьK, ЃEгдЃEзаЃEыVит ЃEдициыPЃEю (Medical) академЃE.

5) РьCителЃEъCреЃEыQирЃEЃEЃEартиру, ЃEгдЃEъCец вернётся из ЃEЃEыCирьAЃE.

1.4. Put the words in the correct order to make Yes / No and Wh-questions. Write them down.

1) Pictures, who, children’s books, draws, for?

2) She, when, is, going, work, to finish, this?

3) Does, repair, fridges, he, at home?

4) You, to put on, going, are, clothes, warm?

5) Friend, invite, you, your, will, birthday, to, party, her?

6) Often, have supper, do, you, the restaurant, in?

7) He, does, every, examine, what, day?

8) Why, she, for, always, is, the, lectures, late?

9) She, next, gets up, Sunday, will, what, do, when, mother, your?

10) Will, become, leave, you, what, when, Academy, the, you?



2. Word-Building


2.1. Form adjectives by adding suffixes:

a) -ive to verbs

create + ive = creative ЃEтвыЌческий

attract + ive = attractive ЃEЃEивЃEЃEтеЃEыZЃE/p>

progress, act, collect, administrate, express, effect.

b) -al to nouns and adjectives

continent + al = continental ЃEЃEыQинентаЃEыZЃE/p>

historic + al = historical ЃEистоpичесЃEЃE/p>

colony, music, nature, origin, experiment, culture, emotion, person, struc-ture, industry, economic.

c) -ous to verbs and nouns

fame + ous = famous ЃEизвестыZЃE знаменитый

advantage + ous = advantageous ЃEвыгодный

continue, mystery, harmony, vary, gas, monotony, mountain

2.1.1. Translate the following word-combinations:

a famous designer; creative work; continental breakfast; an expressive speech; mysterious events; an experimental laboratory; an industrial revolution; various models; personal attitude; attractive appearance; an original plan; an original design; historical books; mountainous country.

2.1.2. Form nouns by adding suffixes

a) -ship to nouns

lord +ship = (Your/his) Lordship ЃE(ВашЃEегЃE

1) светЃEстЃE 2) власть, госпьCство

comrade + ship = comradeship ЃEтоварищеские ъCыMшеыGя

friend, champion, hard, leader.

b) -ence, -ance to verbs. Mind the change of stress in some words. Work with a dictionary.

differ + ence = difference ЃEъCЃEчиЃE различие

annoy + ance = annoyance ЃEpаздpажение, досада

depend, reside, prefer, attend, refer, assist, confer, appear, disappear, compete, emerge.

2.1.3. Translate the words with suffixes in the context of the sentences.

1) She doesn’t like mysterious stories.

2) Russia gives economic assistance to former Soviet Republics.

3) Alla Pugachyova made her first appearance in public in 1975.

4) Original designs of avant garde designers often cause annoyance of the people above 40.

5) You should make reference to a dictionary.

6) The world championship in football was held in Spain.

7) Some jobs are monotonous and dull.

8) The leadership of the country doesn’t pay much attention to the economical problems.



3. Vocabulary. Lexical Exercises