1. Grammar Exercises. Situations and Drills
1.1. Read these short selections about some people and the clothes they wear. You think that the information isn’t full. Ask your partner as many questions as you can to find out the additional information. Think of the answers to the questions.
A New words: utmost – всё возможное; a wig – паpик; plimsolls (sneakers) – кpоссовки; heels – каблуки; spotted – пёстpый; quiet – неяpкий (о цвете); cloth – ткань; bright – яpкий; shiny – блестящий; a tailored costume – английский костюм.
Helen Leonova is a secretary-linguist at a large foreign firm. She likes extravagant and avant garde clothes and decorations. She does her utmost to follow fashion. But she has got some problems with her clothes now because her boss is strongly against spotted, bright and shiny dresses and costumes, wigs, low heels, plimsolls, thick woollen sweaters. He thinks that Helen’s clothes must be quiet, made of good cloth and in very good taste. He wants to see her dressed in well-cut tailored costumes with silk blouses and shoes with high heels.