Adverbs and Conjuctions


Verbs and Verbal Phrases

Nouns and Noun Combinations

activity – деятельность

attractiveness – привлекательность

construction – базовая конструкция (модели)

customer – заказчик, клиент; покупатель

fabric – ткань; syn. material

flair – чутьё

garment – одежда; syn. clothes, clothing

imagination – воображение

manufacture – производство; syn. production

movie – фильм; syn. film, picture

science – наука

sketch – эскиз

threads – нитки (для шитья)

trend – направление, тенденция

wearer (om to wear) – тот, кто носит одежду

garment make-up – изготовление одежды

good eye for colour – чувство цвета

in advance – вперёд, заранее, раньше

sewing factory – швейная фабрика (sewing от глагола

to sew – шить)

styling concepts – концепции моделирования

taste – вкус

time/cost elements of – затраты времени / расходы на изготов-

sample examples ление образцов

yardage of material – нормирование расхода ткани.


attend – посещать

be in charge for – отвечать за что-либо

be outdated – выйти из моды, устареть

cut – кроить, резать

demand – требовать

determine – определять

do without – обходиться (без чего-либо)

estimate – рассчитать, оценить

forecast – предсказывать

make patterns grading – рассортировать лекала (выкройки) по размерам

press – утюжить, прессовать

seem – казаться

stitch – сшивать, шить (на швейной машине)

take into account – принимать во внимание


current – текущий (о периоде времени, событиях)

inborn – врождённый

innovative – новаторский

sound – прочный, основательный


abroad – за границей

according to – в соответствии, согласно

as for – что касается

as well – тоже, также

both... and... – и... и...; как... так...

first of all – прежде всего

3.1. Read after the tutor and translate the following international words:

сontrol, costume, instruction, idea, concept, element, factor, individual, organization, reorganization, reconstruction, bureau, process, to process, model, character, material, popular.

But: magazine – журнал; fabric – ткань; production – зд. производство.

3.2. Make sure that you remember the new words and word combinations.

a) Give Russian equivalents to: clothing manufacture; new fabrics; sound understanding of garment make-up; a customer; in advance; to do without a good knowledge of the history of costume; an artist’s sketch; to estimate the time/cost elements of sample garments; as well; according to; the individual character and the body construction of the wearer.

b) Give English equivalents to: принимать во внимание; тип швейной машины; и модельеры, и технологи; врождённый хороший вкус; чувство цвета; предсказать и разработать концепции конструирования и моделирования; современные фильмы; художественное чутьё; устаревшие модели (фасоны); определить норму расхода ткани; закройщик; ателье; журнал мод.

3.3. Identify the word or word combination that doesn’t belong to the group.

1) a. cutter, b. technologist, c. manager, d. dressmaker, e. customer

2) a. production process, b. innovative talent, c. inborn good taste, d. artistic flair, e. good eye for colour

3) a. sewing factory, b. firm, c. fashion magazine, d. design bureau; e. Fashion House

4) a. draw, b. determine, c. difference, d. demand, e. develop

5) a. cutting; b. understanding, c. stitching, d. making-up, e. pressing

6) a. without, b. between, c. behind, d. over, e. while

3.4. Learn to combine words. Give as many word combinations with the italicised words as possible. Use prompts in the brackets or give the variants of your own.

to demand: an answer, help, money, a job, good knowledge of the subject, the reconstruction of the shop (цех), ... .

(встреча с, новое платье / туфли, интересная работа, свобода)

to manufacture: ready-made clothes; shoes; machinery; fabrics, threads, cars, ... .

(платья; ЭВМ; телевизоры; холодильники; швейные машины; пылесосы)

to take into account: a lot of factors; the miners’ demands; the political situation; the kind of fabric; good knowledge of production process; ... .

(погода; текущие события; направление моды; возраст заказчика; результаты тестирования).

to do without: food and water; a summer holiday; a winter coat; the services of a secretary; books and magazines; ... .

(современное оборудование; холодильник; телевизор; автомеханик; модная одежда).

вoth... and... : technologists – designers; dressmakers – tailors; lecturers – students; modern music – current movies; young – old people; outdated – fashionable clothes; ...

(зимой – летом; воображение – хороший вкус; газеты – журналы; эскизы – выкройки; моделирование – изготовление (пошив) одежды).

3.5. Substitution Drill: Give all possible variants of the sentence using the words below. Translate them into Russian.


Specialists at the sewing factories can’t do without modern machinery.

Prompt: manufacturers.

Manufacturers at the sewing factories can’t do without modern machinery.

1) cutters

2) designers and technologists

3) good knowledge of fashion trends

4) new fabrics

5) must take into account

6) customers’ demands for fashionable clothes

3.6. Make sure that you can translate the words belonging to different parts of speech.

1) Nelly has a good taste. Taste the cake. I cooked it myself.

2) The shop will be closed during repairs. Don’t apply (обращаться) to this motor mechanic. He repairs cars badly.

3) The girl likes to wear very short dresses. The children’s wear is usually comfortable.

4) Firm fabrics are good for making coats. She works at a foreign firm.

5) Her main duty is to control all technological processes. This young teacher has no control over her class.

6) The technologist’s activity demands a good knowledge of all processes of clothing manufacture. There is a great demand for secretary-linguists but a poor demand for engineers now. Sewing factories don’t manufacture as many ready-made clothes as they did before.

3.7. Insert the words given in brackets. Don’t use dictionary.

(to be in charge; the wearer; a good taste; difference; abroad)

1) She often goes on business trips ______.

2) The technologist ______ of the organisation of work at a sewing factory.

3) Is it possible to develop ______?

4) There is some ______ between the job of a dress designer and the job of a technologist.

5) The dressmaker must take into account the body construction, age and occupation of the ______.



4. Text


4.1. Look though the text and divide it into three parts concentrating on the beginning of each paragraph.