Грамматические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на подчеркнутые местоимения.


1. Structural members of any length and cross section and with any required curve can be made.

2. No cracks appeared under overload.

3. Anything less strong would not be good for that purpose.

4. Each piece has some characteristic that seriously reduces strength.

5. They used no laminated timber in this structure.

6. Nothing could be done to avoid cracking.

7. Because concrete is at the beginning in a plastic state, it can be used in construction of any size or shape.

8. The builders bound the layers together with mortar or some other binder.

9. In hot weather something should be done to prevent a premature set of concrete.

10. No wet concrete, after it is placed in its final position, should be at a temperature less than 5°C or 40°F.


Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, определите функцию слова “one”.


1. They have square cross-sections and are glued one to the other.

2. The pieces are glued one over the other.

3. No one lamination (слоистая конструкция) is as long as the member.

4. Connections were made between steel components and between timber and precast concrete ones.

5. One should be careful when working with glued laminated timber.

6. Loads will produce tensile stresses and compressive ones.


Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите следующие сокращения:


50m (160ft); 1/3 of its tensile strength; 31.01.1845; 24ft (7.2m); 12in ´ 12in; 60-80 %; 20°C; 150 kg/m2 ; 90 cm; 3.5m; 100 ´ 300 mm; 7/8 of its length; 4.5ft x 6.24ft; 03.10.1998; 32 lb; 145°F.



Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие группы существительных:


steel structure, beam cross-section, metal plate, section dimensions, timber construction, connection method, temperature movements, joint movement problem, construction industry, precast concrete component, carbon contents, design strength, production technique, transportation costs.


Упражнение 5. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных, переведите их.