The Conditional Mood denotes an unreal action the unreality of which is due to the absence of necessary conditions. The Conditional Mood is formed with the help of the auxiliary verb should (would). The Conditional Mood has two forms:



Non-perfect Perfect
I would come He (she, it) would come We would come You would come They would come I would have come He (she, it) would have come We would have come You would have come They would have come



The Non-perfect form of the Conditional Mood is used to refer the action to the present or the future. It expresses simultaneousness.

E.g. I’m sure he would neverfail you, he’s quite reliable.

The Perfect form expresses priority, so it is used to refer the action to the past.

E.g. She would have known what to do in such a situation.


Exercise15. Make up sentences.


I He She You They We   would (should) agree with you, we seem to share the same view upon it. help you with pleasure, he has some free time. join you for sure, they haven’t watched this film yet. give you this book, but I have to ask Sue first, it’s hers. go to this restaurant, you are so fond of Italian food. try to call you. I’m sure something detained her.
would (should) have   introduced you to my parents, but they were away. enjoyed their excursion, but the weather was nasty. told you about his plans, he just wasn’t sure about them. warned you, but it was too late. cleaned the flat, but she was really pressed for time. liked that place, it is very picturesque there.


Exercise 16. Imagine you were granted three wishes. What would you wish for?

Model. I would make peace in the whole world.

I would be very rich and famous.

I would never have to clean my room.

Exercise 17. Translate into English using your Active Grammar.


1. Поторопись, мы можем опоздать. Это было бы очень неприятно. 2. Я бы поехала за город, но мне надо сначала закончить свою работу. 3. Я бы зашел к тебе в пятницу. Ты будешь дома? 4. Я уверен, что они бы не отказались взять тебя с собой. 5. Я бы с удовольствием поговорила с вами еще, но я должна была идти. 6. Почему вы так думаете? Я бы не делал таких поспешных выводов. 7. Я бы пошел в поход в прошлую субботу, но я был очень занят. 8. Вас бы сразу проинформировали, если бы вы не сдали этот экзамен. 9. Я бы показала тебе свои летние фотографии, но я забыла их дома. 10. Я бы сделал покупки, но, к сожалению, я забыл кошелек дома. Я схожу с магазин завтра. 11. Я бы все равно не верила ему. 12. Ты прав. Мы бы давно были дома, если бы поехали на метро.



1) after the combination but for and the conjunctive adverb otherwise


but for otherwise I would do sth. He would do sth. I would have done sth. He would have done sth.


E.g. But for the flowers the room wouldn’t look so nice.

E.g. He showed us the way. Otherwise we would have been lost.

2) when the condition may be implied by the context

E.g. It is so stupid of you to trust her! I would never trust her.


Exercise 18. Complete the sentences with the reference to the present or future:


1. But for his low paid job …

2. But for the breaking news …

3. But for our late arrival …

4. But for his poor health …

5. But for your quick temper …

6. But for their relatives …

7. But for the short circuit …

8. But for the rain …

9. But for the high price …

10. But for the bruise …

11. But for her ignorance …

12. But for his accent …


Exercise 19. Complete the sentences with reference to the past:


1. But for the traffic …

2. But for the letter of recommendation …

3. But for her skills …

4. But for my lack of self-confidence …

5. But for their children …

6. But for your help…

7. But for the accident …

8. But for your supervision …

9. But for the bad food …

10. But for the mistakes in your paper …

11. But for his prejudice …

12. But for her complexion …

Exercise 20. Complete the sentences according to the model. In some cases only one variant is possible.

Model: He explained us everything …

a) He explained us everything, otherwise we would be at a loss.

b) He explained us everything, otherwise we wouldn’t have understood what had happened.


1. Thank you for your cooperation, otherwise… . 2. She gave me a good reference book on pot plants, otherwise… . 3. We have to find a substitute teacher, otherwise… . 4. The good thing was that I revised this rule, otherwise… . 5. I will have to tell her a lie, otherwise… . 6. They didn’t give their opinion, otherwise… . 7. It was a smart decision, otherwise… . 8. She had to do it, otherwise… . 9. I will go shopping, otherwise … . 10. We knew this is a great place, otherwise… . 11. I am still against it, otherwise… . 12. But it is too late, otherwise … .