Вострикова С.В.
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The Museums of Great Britain
С. В. Вострикова
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1. Что должна обеспечивать технологическая схема.
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1.Антипова Л.В. и др., Дипломное проектирование, Воронеж 2001г .
2. Антипова Л.В., Ильин Н.М., Г.П. Казюлин и др. Проектирование предприятий мясной отрасли с основами САПР –М .: КолосС,2003-320с.
для студентов МГХПА им. С. Г. Строганова
С. А. Циркунова, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков при факультете права ГУ-ВШЭ,
Е. В. Кузьмина, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков при факультете права ГУ-ВШЭ
Сборник текстов для чтения на английском языке «The Museums of Great Britain»
Представленный сборник текстов для чтения на английском языке по теме: «Музеи Великобритании» (“The Museums of Great Britain”) состоит из оригинальных текстов, соответствующих общей направленности вуза и является учебно-методическим пособием для работы со студентами среднего и сильного уровня языковой подготовки МГХПА им. С.Г. Строганова.
Цель данного сборника – дальнейшее совершенствование и систематизация знаний студентов, обогащение их словарного запаса в рамках предлагаемой тематики, а также знакомство с редкими музеями Британии.
Отличительной особенностью сборника является классический британский вариант современного английского языка, который позволит студентам перейти на качественно новый уровень владения навыками устной речи.
Для удобства читателей каждый текст снабжен словарем специализированных терминов.
1. Blenheim Palace…………………………………………….p.4
2. The Museum of Advertising and Packaging………………..p.5
3. The Heritage Motor Centre at Gaydon……………………...p.8
4. The Shugborough Estate……………………………....…….p.10
5. Warwick Castle ……………………………………………..p.11
6. Eastnor Castle……………………………..............................p.12
7. Nature in art……………………………………………….....p.13
8. Cardiff Castle ………………………………………………..p.15
9. The Aerospace Museum……………………………………..p.18
10. The National Museum and Gallery of Cardiff……………...p.19
11. Saint Fagans……………………………………………….p.20
12. the Jinney Ring Craft Centre……………………………..p.22
The history of Blenheim Palace goes back to the early 18th century and presents a condensed history of the Marlborough family. It was recommended by HM Government and accepted by UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee for inclusion in the World Heritage List as a site of special heritage value.
Perfectly designed by Sir John Vanbrugh (who was a famous playwright and a friend of John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough) Blenheim Palace was built in recognition of John Churchill’s great victory over the French at the battle of Blenheim, 1704. The Palace is set in 2,100 acres of parkland landscaped by “Capability” Brown and is one of the finest examples of English Baroque and also the biggest estate in England. The Palace collection comprises paintings, tapestries, sculpture, furniture and other precious works of art located in magnificent gilded state rooms. The interiors of the palace remind medieval decorations. The Long Library of outstanding beauty measures 183’ in length and is one of the longest rooms in an English private house. It contains some 10,000 volumes and a magnificent Willis Organ. Blenheim Palace is considered to be the hymn of praise to the outstanding personality of Sir Winston Churchill.
Blenheim’s Gardens are renowned for their beauty and comprise Water Terraces, Italian Garden, Rose Garden, Arboretum, Pleasure Grounds and Cascade.
An Exhibition of Churchilliana deserves special attention. Manuscripts, paintings, books, personal belongings, photographs and letters of Sir Winston (mainly to his father- Lord Randolph Churchill) are on display in the Palace as well as “Greetings from Sir Winston”, including antique greeting cards and prints with a unique photographic collage, It covers the period of Sir Winston’s life. The core of the exhibition is a simple room where the future Prime Minister was born on 30th November 1874.
The Marlborough Maze- the world’s largest symbolic hedge maze and a must for visitors (opened in 1991) along with the putting greens, giant chess and draughts and the children’s inflatable castles make the Garden area much more attractive for the visitors.
The Old Palace Dairy with its 18th century butter cooler and the Gift Centre also including the confectionery and the comestibles shop provide the tourists with a wide range of gifts, souvenirs, films, preserves and sweets to suit all tastes.
duke – герцог
arboretum – древесный питомник
сore - сердцевина, центр, сердце (чего- л.)
draughts - шашки
inflatable - надувной
comestibles – съестные припасы
maze - лабиринт
putting green - ровная лужайка (вокруг лунки в гольфе)
Gloucester is one of England’s famous ports with origins dating back to Roman times. Fourteen handsome Victorian warehouses still stand. Albert Warehouse, which houses the Collection, was constructed in 1851, the year of the Great Exhibition.
The impressive result of one man’s enthusiasm, Britain’s first museum of advertising and packaging is the culmination of over 25 years’ research and collecting by Robert Opie. His Collection, the largest of its type in the world, now numbers some 300,000 items relating to the
history of the consumer society of the UK. It provides a fascinating insight into the British way of life over the past hundred years.
The museum contains the packs, tins and bottles which filled the larder and added flavour to family mealtimes, the posters which enlivened the corner shop, the popular cigarette brands, the favoured patent medicines, and the enamel signs which brought colour to shops and railway stations.
This colorful exhibition could be described as a Century of Shopping Basket History; these are the goods which, since Victorian times, have crowded the shelves of Britain’s grocers, confectioners, chemists, tobacconists, pubs, and the earliest supermarkets. One can follow the development of brands which have remained family favourites for generations, and be reminded of those other brands which have quietly disappeared from the shelves.
From the Collection a visitor can easily trace the changes in social tastes and tempo, the whims of style and fashion, the gradual emancipation of women, the jazz age, as well as the revolution in shopping habits- changes which are reflected in the everyday products bought during an age of growing affluence.
The evolution of graphic design and pack technology may be followed along with the development of advertising skills. But above all, the museum is a tribute to the vigor and inventiveness of British manufacturing industry.
The commercial television era is given coverage with the continual screening of advertisements which, for the last thirty years have informed, amused and influenced us. The early commercials, which refresh our memories of the 1950’s and 1960’s, are a popular attraction for the whole family to enjoy, together with all the other fascinating objects which make up the Robert Opie Collection.
warehouse- товарный склад, пакгауз, большой магазин
bustle- суматоха, суета
item- каждый отдельный предмет в списке, пункт, параграф
consumer- потребитель, потребительский
fascinating- очаровательный, пленительный
insight- проницательность, интуиция, понимание;(into)- способность проникновения в суть
pack- пакет, пачка, упаковка, кипа
tin- олово, жестянка, консервная банка
larder- кладовая
flavour- вкус, аромат, привкус, особенность
enliven- оживлять, подбодрять, разнообразить
the goods- товар, товары, груз, багаж
whim- прихоть, каприз, причуда
affluence- изобилие, богатство, приток
tribute- дань
vigour- сила, энергия, законность
coverage- охват, освещение( в печати, по радио и т.п.)
Far more than a traditional car museum, the Heritage Motor Centre at Gaydon is both a major public attraction and a research and educational centre- fulfilling the twin aims of the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust. The Trust is an educational charity established to collect and conserve vehicles, artifacts and records relating to the various companies which have come together for the benefit of the nation. Here under one roof, is the most comprehensive display of historic British cars anywhere in the world, taken from a collection of more than 300 classic and historic vehicles. Extensively represented here are the world famous marques of Rover, Austin, Morris, Wolseley, Riley, Standard, Triumph, MG and Austin- Healey. Some other marques are also featured in the displays. The cars date from the earliest 1896 Wolseley to the present day.
The magic of Gaydon.
It starts to unfold from the moment you arrive, and board the specially designed Land Rover shuttle which takes you from the car park to the main complex.
The building itself is an outstanding architectural achievement, with its imposing proportions and strong Art Deco influence. The historic vehicles are displayed in the main museum hall, which provides a striking setting with its semi- circular design, unique roof structure and subtle lighting.
On the first floor you will find the Engineering Gallery with its displays of engines, suspensions, transmissions, sectioned cars and other components, demonstrating many of the moving parts that go into a motorcar. The displays are interesting, informative and above all, accessible. A noticeable absence of the usual rope barriers allows close inspection, bringing the past dramatically close to life. The collection has something to appeal to everyone. Exhibitions such as ‘Fashion and the Motorcar’, for example, show the close connection between motorcar design and the style influences of the Edwardian period.
For researchers and serious enthusiasts, the centre holds a comprehensive technical archive of several million engineering drawings, production records, photographs and rare film material. This is accessible via private reading room which is open to all- ideal for passing interest, school projects or more detailed research.
Vehicles that made racing and rallying history are featured here, as are unique prototypes, and a number of design concepts which never saw the light of day. In addition to the Trust’s own priceless collection, Gaydon also features prominent displays from the Lucas and Corgi museum collections.
As the new focus of motoring history in the UK, and with its easily accessible, central location, Gaydon is a natural venue for all kinds of special events. These include car club rallies on most weekends during the summer months, plus a variety of other events ranging from car auctions to auto jumbles and antique fairs.
heritage – наследство, наследие
charity – благополучность, учреждения или дела
vehicle – перевозочное средство (автомобиль, вагон, повозка и т.п.)
comprehensive – объемлющий, исчерпывающий
extensively – широко, пространно, во все стороны
to feature – изображать, рисовать, показывать, отводить важнейшее место
subtle – едва различимый, искусный, хитроумный
suspension – подвеска
transmission – передача, коробка передач, привод
accessible – доступный, достижимый
venue – место сбора, встречи
Set on the edge of Cannock Chase, the Shugborough Estate is the magnificent 900 acre ancestral home of the Earls of Lichfield. The Estate stands testament largely to the efforts of two people. Thomas Anson (1695-1773) enlarged the mansion, landscaped the parkland and commissioned the building of a remarkable collection of neo-classical monuments. The finances for such an ambitious project largely came from his brother George Anson (1697-1762). A naval officer, he acquired fame and fortune by capturing a Spanish treasure galleon and later became First Lord of the Admiralty.
Originally built in 1693 the mansion has been greatly altered by successive generations of the Anson family. Between 1745 and 1748 the house was extended to feature splendid rococo plasterwork by Vassali and further improved towards the end of the 18th century by the well-known architect Samuel Wyatt, including the addition of eight ionic columns forming the grand portico. Fine collection of eighteen century ceramics, silver, paintings and French furniture decorate the rooms. The ‘Lichfield at Home’ exhibition gives an insight into the photographic work of the present Earl and reveals an unusual array of personal and family memorabilia.
The Shugborough landscape features eight monuments of great importance in the evolution of English architecture. The work of Thomas Wright of Durham and James ‘Athenian’ Stuart, they were built during the mid - eighteenth century and mainly reflect the English landowner’s admiration of classical architecture, fashionable at that time.
ancestral – наследственный, рядовой
to commission – уполномочивать, давать заказ (художнику), укомплектовывать
naval office – морской офицер
successive – последующий
insight (into) – способствовать проникновению в суть, пожимание
earl – граф (английский)
array – боевой порядок, масса, множество
acquire - приобретать
capture - захватывать силой, брать в плен
extend - расширять (дом и т. п.)
Warwick Castle stands on the banks of the river Avon, just a few miles from Shakespeare’s Stratford. Many of England’s most celebrated figures, from Richard III to Queen Victoria, appear in the castle’s full and varied history and for centuries Warwick Castle was home to the mighty Earls of Warwick.
First fortified by William the Conqueror in 1068 AD, Warwick Castle later became the principal stronghold of the mighty Beauchamp warlords. As the military importance of the castle declined, the main living quarters were converted into a residence of the grandest style. The magnificent interiors date from the late 17th to the late 19th centuries and today most of the main fortifications have altered little from the mediaeval period. With its dark, dank dungeon, gruesome torture chamber and splendid armoury, the Middle Ages come to life at Warwick Castle.
‘A Royal Weekend Party, 1898’ by Madame Tussaud’s recreates a Victorian house party with a young Winston Churchill and the future King Edward VII. The State Rooms, including the magnificent Great Hall, contain an outstanding collection of arms, armour, furniture and paintings.
fortify- укреплять
stronghold- крепость, твердыня, цитадель, оплот
warlord- военачальник
quarters- квартира, помещение, жилище
dank- сырой и холодный, промозглый
dungeon- подземная тюрьма, темница
armoury- склад оружия, арсенал
Enriched by the Malvern Hills and surrounded by a famous arboretum and lake, this fairytale castle is as dramatic inside as it is outside.
The Atmosphere. Everyone is struck by it. The vitality of a young family brings the past to life and the sense of warmth and optimism is tangible. Eastnor, however grand, is a home.
‘Sleeping’ for the past fifty years, the castle has undergone a triumphant renaissance-‘looking better than it probably ever has’, wrote Country Life in 1993.
Hidden away in attics and cellars since the war, many of the castle’s treasures are now revealed for the first time- early Italian Fine Art, 17th century Venetian furniture and Flemish tapestries, Mediaeval armour and paintings by Van Dyke, Reynolds, Romney and Watts, photographs by Julia Margaret Cameron.
The Princely and imposing pile’, as it was described in 1812 when it was being built to pitch the owner into the aristocracy, remains the home of his descendants. The castle contains letters, diaries, clothes and furnishings accumulated over two hundred years belonging to friends and relations who include Horace Walpole, Elisabeth Barrett Browning, Tennyson, Watts and Virginia Woolf.
to encircle- окружать, опоясывать
arboretum- древесный питомник, дендрарий
tangible- ощутимый, осязаемый
tapestry- гобелен
armour- вооружение, доспехи
princely- царственный, великолепный
descendant- потомок
attic - чердак
cellar - подвал, погреб
The centre for international wildlife art at Gloucester is a unique and important centre dedicated to art inspired by nature. Nature in art is an exciting concept that offers you the opportunity to appreciate the many art forms that, since primitive man, have displayed the world’s dynamic variety in nature. People the world over are more determined than ever to safeguard our wildlife and environment. Fine, decorative and applied art inspired by nature is part of our heritage and deserves to be enjoyed, studied and protected.
Nature in art fills a gap in the museums and galleries you can visit by presenting an exclusively wildlife art collections of the very highest standard. International in scope, appeal and stature, Nature IN Art’s continually developing collection encompasses works depicting any wild living thing even if not extinct, in all media and from any period. From the grandeur of the wildlife landscape to the detail of oriental treasures; from the best in contemporary sculpture to the simplicity of the ancient mosaic; from the variety of early illustrations to present day abstract interpretations; from the intricacy of glass engraving to giant nature canvases, all will be enthralled by this collection.
to safeguard- охранять
heritage- наследие
gap- пробел, пропуск
scope- границы, рамки, предел, масштаб
stature- рост, стан
extinct- потухший, угасший, вышедший из употребления
intricacy- запутанность, сложность
to enthrall- очаровывать, увлекать, захватывать
The very beginning
The heart of Cardiff, its immortal soul and the most significant and well-known of all places of interest of the Welsh capital is the imposing Cardiff Castle.
The history of Cardiff Castle goes back almost 2000 years when the Romans built their first fort on the site. According to the recent excavations their legions arrived in the area as early as A.D. 54-68. They rebuilt their Cardiff fort around A.D. 75. Another new fort with ten-foot thick stone walls was built on the site around the year 250. It had an excellent strategic position being a naval base for the protection of the Empire against sea-borne invasions and served until the 5th century when the Roman Army finally left the area. The Roman presence in Cardiff was confirmed in 1889 when the third Marquess of Bute excavated and exposed the remains of the Roman Wall for the first time in hundreds of years. The numerous visitors of Cardiff have the opportunity to see these Roman portions of the wall outlined in red stone from both outside and inside the castle. The excavations continued in 85 years. They have been carried out annually by students of University College of Cardiff headed by Janet and Peter Webster. Unfortunately almost nothing is known off the castle and its life during the centuries after the Roman withdrawal. Experts believe that it has been destroyed by the sea-raiders. Nevertheless it was just the beginning of the future Wales pride.
The Normans. The name of Robert Fitzhamon, the Norman Lord of Gloucester, appeared in the history of Cardiff Castle in 1091. Seeing the strategic value of the site of the old Roman fort he built his Norman Castle in the western part of the area. A mound, forty feet high was surrounded by a moat. On the top of the mound there was a timber stockade giving shelter and protection to the wooden buildings inside of it. The lord, his household and his garrison felt quite safe there.
The rest of the former fort area became the outer bailey of the Castle. Robert Fitzhamon died of wounds in 1107.
The Owners. The Clare family owned Cardiff Castle in the thirteenth century and played a significant part in the struggle between the King and the barons. After the Clares the Despensers contributed their sordid mite to the history of the castle to be followed by such noble families as the Beauchamps, the Nevilles and even the Tudors. The Castle was the witness of the bloodiest acts during the tenure of Philip Herbert the 7th earl in late 17 century. Saint John Lloyd and Saint Philip Evans were imprisoned in the Black Tower and then hanged, drawn and quartered. Murderers and their victims are threaded in the substance of the stone edifice. But no family seemed to love the Castle so much as the Butes.
The Butes. The Butes descended from one of the noblest families in Scotland. They held the Lordship until 1947 (from 1776). In 1947 the Castle was given to the City of Cardiff. This Scottish family completely modified the Castle’s image as well as the life of the whole city. The brightest time connected with the Castle’s reconstruction started in 1865 when Lord Bute (John, 3rd Marquess of Bute) invited the architect William Burges to transform Cardiff Castle. Their very friendly partnership lasted 16 years. The result of it was the erection of the Clock Tower on the site of a Roman bastion, redecoration of Lord Bute’s Sitting Room, in the Lesser North Wing. William Burges also enlarged the Stables, built the Chapel in the Castle in memory of the late 2nd Marquess. Burges restored the 15th century Octagon or Beauchamp Tower and inserted the Octagon Staircase inside. The gifted architect built the new Library and the Banqueting Hall on the site of the old mediaeval Hall. William Burges died in 1881 and then his assistant William Frame continued the work at Cardiff Castle. In the first half of the 20th century (after the death of Lord Bute in 1900) other architects tried to alter the Castle’s image. Today the area of Cardiff Castle includes the Keep, Castle Apartments, Black Tower, Welsh Regiment Museum, Barbican Tower, Roman Wall, Barbican Wall, Outer Ward, North Gate, Clock Tower and West Gate. To render tribute to the genius of William Burges the Cardiff City Council is restoring his wonderful creations and all the Castle visitors can admire the outstanding ideas of the brilliant architect incarnated in the main building of the Welsh capital.
sea-borne invasion – вторжение с моря
marquess – маркиз
to outline – нарисовать контур, обрисовать
withdrawal – уход, отход, вывод войск
mound – насыпь, холм, курган
moat – ров (с водой)
timber stockade – деревянный частокол
garrison – гарнизон
bailey – двор замка
wound – рана
tenure – пребывание, срок пребывания (в должности)
to quarter – четвертовать
to thread – вплетать, переплетать
edifice – здание, сооружение
to descend(from) – происходить(из)
lordship – власть, владение
keep – главная башня (средневекового замка)
regiment – полк
barbican – барбакан, навесная башня
to enlarge – увеличивать, расширять
stable – конюшня
to render tribute – отдавать дань уважения
to incarnate(in) – воплощать, осуществлять
This 25 acre site in beautiful rural Shropshire is home to one of the most exciting museums of aviation history in the world. There are four major collections at the museum: deadly missiles and rocketry; warplanes; huge transport aircraft and British research and development machines. A remarkable collection of aero engines is also on show.
The Museum’s remarkable assembly of rockets and missiles, from the deadly German experimental types to current British weapons, are world famous. Some strange ones are made of wood and concrete.
The Aerospace museum is home to many huge retired British Airways airliners and Royal Air Force transport aircraft, which tell the fascinating story of passenger carrying by air from the early days up to the present time.
The warplane collection includes British, German, American and Japanese aircraft from the Second World War and aircraft used in the Falklands and other campaigns. Post war aircraft including ‘V’ Bombers are also on display.
The aircraft in the Museum’s Research and Development Collection embrace most of the more important aspects of British post war aviation technology, and show some of the strangest and most exotic aircraft.
rural- сельский, деревенский
deadly- смертоносный
missile- ракета
rocketry- ракетная техника
aircraft- самолет, собир.самолеты, авиация
current- современный
assembly- собрание, сбор
bomber- бомбардировщик
There are lots of wonderful museums and galleries all over the world. Their treasures collections are marvelous and make up the cultural inheritance of our planet. If you happen to be in Wales you will certainly want to visit the National Museum and Gallery of Cardiff in elegant, white-stoned Civic Centre. Alongside with the Cardiff Castle this remarkable building in neoclassical style is worth visiting. It was decided to choose Cardiff as the home for the National Museum of Wales in 1907. The foundation stone was laid in 1912 and the museum started working in 1927. The five main sections that reflect the layout of the museum are: Art, Natural History, Archaeology, The Evolution of Wales, Man and the Environment.
The museum visitors can’t help admiring its splendid art collection. This part is the biggest and the most wonderful of the museum. It comprises the finest Old Masters canvases, as well as the brilliant works by Cezanne, Monet, Renoir, etc. People have a chance to get acquainted with the local Welsh painters and to see the growing 20th century collection. The Welsh porcelains and other works of applied arts in Wales are displayed in numerous halls that are called galleries. The collection also includes sculptures by Rodin, Epstein and Moore. In the National Gallery fine and applied art objects are exhibited together. Unique works of Medieval and Renaissance art, French and Italian art of the 17th century, British Portraits and Northern European Art ,1550 - 1700, British and Italian Art in the 18 th century, French Realism, French Impressionism, Post-Impressionism and Symbolism, British Art, Abstraction to Neo - Romanticism and so on - these all are on show in the 16 galleries of the 1st floor.
Thanks to the masterly recreated environments, The Natural History gallery allows you to take a journey through Wales and get to know more about its unique plant and animal life.
Extremely interesting is the section dedicated to archaeology. It provides us with the knowledge about archaeology and history of Wales from the ancient times. Prehistoric Wales, Roman Wales, Wales in the Middle Ages as well as Coins and Medals Collection fill the Mezzanine of the Museum.
The section called Man and Environment offers us to glimpse the life of a wide range of creations of our planet and man’s impact upon them.
The building of Cardiff’s National Museum and Gallery is part of the wider network of National Museums and Galleries of Wales.
white - stoned - из белого камня
alongside - вместе
recreate - воссоздавать
glimpse - (у)видеть мельком
Very specific is an open air Welsh museum known as Saint Fagans where one can get acquainted with national history and culture, customs and traditions, arts and crafts of Wales.
The museum appeared on the site in 1946, thanks to the Earl of Plymouth who donated a late 16th century manor house to the Welsh people. In only two years it opened its doors to the visitors under the name of the Welsh Folk Museum. Today it is one of the most original museums in Wales and lots of tourists come to see it daily. The museum consists of more than 40 buildings which reflect the architectural peculiarities, characteristic of this part of the UK. All the buildings that are on display in the museum have been taken from various sites of the land to become part and parcel of the complex. It comprises Saint Fagans castle, Celtic village, “House of the Future”, two working Watermills (a flour mill and a wool mill), medieval parish church of St.Teilo, working blacksmith’s forge, small nice livestock breeding farm, etc. The numerous gifts and souvenirs bearing the stamp of national identity of the Welsh people are available for sale.
The church is the latest building acquired by the museum. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Roman Williams came to open it two years ago in October 2007. Saint Fagans museum helps comprehend the details of rural and industrial life of Wales.
The museum’s galleries with changing exhibitions give an insight into all the versatility of the Welsh life which embraces the present, the past and the future of Cymru. The Welsh language is widely used by the native speakers in the museum. Saint Fagans is also famous for the annual Everyman Open Air Festival – a kind of theatrical performance in various genres.
craft – ремесло
to donate – дарить, жертвовать
manor – поместье
part and parcel – неотъемлемая часть
parish – приходской
blacksmith – кузнец
forge – кузница
livestock breeding – племенное животноводство
archbishop – архиепископ
versatility – многогранность
Cymru – название Уэльса на валлийском языке