Письменно переведите текст на английский язык.


Прочитайте и переведите текст, пользуясь словарем. Передайте содержание одной из частей текста на английском языке.

Используя данные группы слов, составьте предложения, опираясь на содержание текста.

1) enjoy, while, people, on holidays, travelling;

2) exist, phenomenon, there, this, of, classifications, many;

3) choose, tourists, beaches, place, nearly, with, a, quiet, empty;

4) hold, majority, management, positions, the, them, of;

5) requires, business, specialists, this, highly, well, qualified, trained, and;

6) know, must, they, technique, advertising, relations, public, and.


6. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What do social-and cultural service and tourism mean nowadays?
  2. What kind of human activities is considered to have created the base for tourism?
  3. What functions may tourism perform?
  4. How do young people prefer spending their holidays?
  5. What kind of activities does tourism business deal with?
  6. What does accommodation industry include?
  7. Are there any opportunities for job and career in tourism sphere?
  8. What kind of specialists does this business require?
  9. What activities are the tourism managers engaged in?
  10. What are the recent trends in selecting management trainees? Why?


7. Прочитайте текст «Irkutsk: Siberia’s Nobility and Pride», переведите, пользуясь приведенными ниже словами:

nobility [nOu'bIlItI] благородство, радушие
pride [praId] гордость
landmark ['lxndmRk] веха, значимое место
serf [sWf] крепостной
dash [dxS] броситься, ринуться
strive (for) [straiv] стремиться (к)
indigenous [In'dIGqnqs] туземный, местный
stroll ['strqul] прогуливаться, странствовать
church ['CWC] церковь
clerical [klerIkl] клерикальный, церковный
fascinate ['fxsIneIt] очаровывать, пленять
well-off ["wel'Of] состоятельный, зажиточный
quay [kJ] причал, набережная
head [hed] направлять (ся)


Irkutsk: Siberia’s Nobility and Pride

«Irkutsk is an excellent city. Quite intelligent. Theater, museum, city park with music, good hotels». Such was the impression of the city written by Anton Chekhov, the famous Russian writer at the end of the 19th century. The western gateway to Lake Baikal and one of the most important cities of Siberia, Irkutsk remains a great cultural and historical landmark.

Eastern Siberia’s history is quite similar to the well-known history of American Wild West. Tens of thousands Cossacks, runaway serfs and other dashing individuals striving for a better life fought their way eastwards while engaging into numerous battles with indigenous people like Yakuts, Buryats, Tuvans and countless minor tribes. They were followed by merchants, gold diggers, mobsters and burdensome bureaucrats.

In 1652, in order to collect fur taxes from Buryats and trade gold, Cossack chieftain Yakov Pokhabov ordered the building of a fortress (or an ‘ostrog’ as it was called then) at the location where the small Irkut River joins the Angara. Irkutsk’s economy soared after the Siberian Road (or Trakt) reached Irkutsk in 1790. All goods heading to the central Russia from Eastern Siberia and China – including furs, timber, gold, diamonds, tea etc. – travelled first through Irkutsk.

The best time to visit Irkutsk is, certainly, summer. The central square is a strange blend of traditional Sovietstyle city administration and Duma buildings, orthodox churches, a Roman Catholic Church and eternal flame.

Spasskaya and Bogoyavleniya churches standing at the corners of a small park are interesting examples of Siberian clerical architecture.

The city center fascinates with its old dilapidated wooden architecture.

The districts still preserve their cozy and warm feeling of an old, well-off city of tradesmen.

Afterwards, take a stroll down the quay to the Irkutsk dam. Get to the middle of it and you will found the city beautiful, the scenery picturesque and the river magnificent.

One more place of interest is Znamensky Monastery. Visiting Irkutsk is a worthy trip in itself.


8. Прочитайте текст «Irkutsk: Siberia’s Nobility and Pride», определите являются ли данные утверждения:

а) истинными; б) ложными; с) нет информации в тексте.

  1. A .Chekhov visited Irkutsk while his going to the Far East.
  2. Irkutsk is a great cultural and historical city.
  3. The merchants, gold diggers and mobsters were the first –comers to Irkutsk area.
  4. The rail-way reached Irkutsk at the end of the 19-th century.
  5. Irkutsk economy soared after 1760.
  6. Furs, timber, gold, tea, etc. heading to the central Russia came from China.
  7. The central square is soviet-style one.
  8. The visitors can find old dilapidated wooden architecture in the centre of the city.
  9. The fire ruined the city twice.
  10. Irkutsk is considered to be the western gate to lake Baikal.

It is not easy to write about Spain. It is an ancient, sundrenched land whose soil has known so many different civilizations that no precise definition is possible. Spain is one and many at the same time, and no single glance could possibly take in all its complexity. It has been called a ‘miniature continent’ and everything tends to confirm that picture. It is seen, physically, in the contrasts among its various regions – forests and steppes, rugged mountains, far-reaching plains, sheer, cliff-bound coasts, and sweeping beaches. And among its different peoples – varied in race, in language and in customs. This whole complex, colorful world is Spain.

Spanish villages.Moving from North to South in Spain we see the villages soaking up the brilliant sunshine until, emerging into La Mancha, we are dazzled by the reflections from the white-washed houses. Just as in everything else, we are impressed by the multi-colored variety that is Spain. There are villages, the color of the very earth in which they are rooted, others with arcades sheltering them from the rain and still others with terraces warming in the endless sunshine.

National tourist inns, highway inns, mountain lodges and traditional restaurants.Spain is served by a very ample network of up-to-date, comfortable hotels and restaurants. More than a million people can find lodging among the multitude of hotels, apartments, bungalows and campsites. In accord with the international system of classification there are five categories of hotels in Spain, designated by from one to five stars.

Cuisine.Spanish cooking is, without doubt, one of the finest and most diverse in the world. In the north, in the Basque provinces, there are cod ‘Vizcaina’ or ‘Pil-pil’, the tasty eels from Aguinaga, bream and squid. Asturias has its bean soup, ‘fabada’, a delicacy if there ever was one, and in Galicia there are the delectable shell fish, especially good in casseroles.

The wines of Spain are varied and delicious. There is an endless selection of table wines, white, red or rose.


Наш город стоит на реке Ангаре. «Сказочная принцесса», «Сибирская красавица», «Непокорная дочь Байкала» - вот лишь немногие её имена.

Если вы решили провести свой отпуск на Ангаре, мы рекомендуем вам начать свое путешествие с истока. Вы познакомитесь с великим отцом Ангары – озером Байкал. И вы тогда почувствуете удивительную и уникальную красоту реки. Она рождается в таинственных и загадочных глубинах озера и покидает его как «взрослая река», как мощный километровый шикарный поток. Чистейшая зелено-голубая вода, бескрайние просторы водохранилищ, живописные таежные берега и острова, дикие пороги привлекают туристов.

Путешествие по Ангаре не только прекрасный отдых, но и возможность узнать интереснейшую часть Восточной Сибири, познакомиться с самобытными прибрежными городами и селами, с природными достопримечательностями и памятниками старины, с удивительным, а часто и с уникальным, растительным и животным миром.


indocile [In'dqusaIl] непокорная
the upper reaches [Dq"Apq'rJCqz] истоки
stream [strJm] поток
spaces ['speIsIz] просторы
rapids ['rxpIdz] пороги
distinctive [dI'stINktIv] самобытный