My future speciality

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Расскажите о вашей будущей профессии.

1. Прочитайте, запомните следующие слова:

computer [kqm'pjHtq] счетно-решающее устройство, компьютер
device [dI'vaIs] устройство, прибор
prior ['praIq] веский, более важный
initially [I'nISqlI] в начальной стадии
applicable ['xplIkqbl] применимый, пригодный, подходящий
complicate ['kOmplikeit] усложнять
complicated ['kOmplikeitid] сложный
digest ['daiGest] сборник, справочник
digest [dI'Gest] классифицировать
inventory ['InvqntrI] опись
purchase ['pq:Cqs] покупка, стоимость
bill [bIl] счет
transaction [trxn'zxkSqn] дело, сделка
nowadays ['nauqdeiz] в наши дни
payroll = paysheet     платежная ведомость
ongoing (going on)     поведение, повадки
manipulate [mq'nIpjuleIt] – управлять, умело обращаться

I study at the University. My future speciality is the computer technology. Among different devices of calculation computers stand out as prior.

Personal Computers or simply PCs are a common feature of our life. Initially the computer was designed as a tool to manipulate numbers and thus solve arithmetic problems. At present it is applicable for a great variety of tasks.

Nowadays computers are considered to be complicated machines for doing arithmetic and logic. The computer is an important and powerful tool for collecting, recording, analysing and distributing tremendous masses of information.

Today it would be difficult to find any task that calls for the processing of large amount of information that is not performed by a computer. In science computers digest and analyse masses of measurements. In commerce they record and process inventories, purchases, bills, payrolls, bank deposits and the like and keep track on ongoing business transactions. In industry they monitor and control manufacturing processes. In government they keep statistics and analyse economic information.

Advanced automation is impossible without computers. Computer science is a relatively new and exciting field of study and research. It is a broad discipline covering logic design, the theory of computation, numeral analyses, programming and computer application.

All the students improve their knowledge of computer in the computing center of the University. Many students take part in the research work at the department of the faculty.

Those who graduate from our departments work as engineers and teachers. I am a second-year student and I am eager to master my speciality as it is very important and necessary nowadays.