History Science
Прочитайте и переведите диалоги, выучите их наизусть.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1) What faculty and year are you in?
2) What period of World History do you study this year?
3) Why do wars and revolts occupy a considerable place in human society?
4) What does history as a science study?
5) Why are you interested in history and what period attracts you most?
6) Have you already chosen the theme of your diploma work?
7) What historic period will it deal with?
8) Where would you like to work after graduating from the University?
4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих выражений:
романы, описывающие жизнь, культуру и политические события; поступать на этот факультет; будущая профессия; процесс развития; исторические события, происходящие в различные периоды времени и в различных странах; миролюбивые народы; предотвращать внутренние войны; выпускники нашего факультета; главная задача нашего времени.
Professor: What is History?
Student: It's a science dealing with the development of human society.
Professor: When did historical thought appear?
Student: I think it goes back as far as the 4th-3rd millennium B.C.
Professor: You are quite right. Could you give me the names of the most famous ancient historians?
Student: Certainly. They are: Herodotus, who was the "father of History", Xenophon and Polybius. They all соme from Ancient Greece. As to the historians of Ancient Rome Titus, Tacitus and Plutarch are most well-known.
Professor: Тhat's right. What can be said about the first historical writings? What were they like?
Student: As far as I know they were stone inscriptions, reviews and chronicles showing various events in Egypt, Babylon, Assyria and Persia.
Professor: Exactly so. Do you know any Russian historians of the 18th or 19th century?
Student: If I am not mistaken, Russian historiography was represented by Karamzin, Granovsky, Solovyev, Kluchevsky and others.
Professor: So much for today. See you tomorrow.
Herodotus [he'rodətas] — Геpодот
Xenophon ['zenqfqn] — Кceнoфoнт
Polibius [pO'1ibiqs] — Пoлибий
Greece [gri:s] — Греция
Rome [roum] – Рим
Titus ['taitqs] — Тит
Tacitus ['txsitqs] — Тацит
Plutarch ['plHta:k] — Плутарх
Egypt ['i:GIpt] — Египет
Babylon ['bxbIlqn] – Bавилон
Assyria [q'siqriq] — Аccиpия
Persia ["pq:Sq] — Перcия
human society ['hju:man sq'saiqtI] — человеческое общество
to appear [q'pIq] — появляться
millennium [mI'lenIqm] — тысячeлетие
stone inscriptions — надписи на камнях
reviews [rI'vju:z] — обзоры
chronicles [k'rOniklz] — летописи
to deal with — рассматривать, иметь дело
to go as far back as —восходить
What were they like? —что они из себя представляли?
So much for today. — Ha сегодня достаточно.
If I am not mistaken — ecли я нe ошибаюcь
B.C. (Before Christ) — до н.э.
A.D. (Anno Domini) — н.э.
Exactly so — совершенно верно
to represent — представлять