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Научитесь читать следующие вопросительные предложения, имитируя интонацию диктора. Ответьте на вопросы.

Прослушайте дикторскую запись указанных ниже предложений. Постарайтесь понять, какие слова и словосочетания в них отсутствуют. Повторите полные предложения.


а) It interests me as ______________ because it _____________ one to ___________ and ______________ the processes going on in various aspects of human history.

б) I belong to the ____________ ___________ ____________ .

c) A teacher is _____________ ______________ in the __________ and ____________ process.

d) A real teacher must be a _________________ .

c) One of the main ideas of their _____________ ___________ is the __________ of ______________ .



1. Why did you enter the Humanitarian and Pedagogical faculty?

2. What subjects do you study?

3. What is necessary to be a good teacher?

4. When do the students of your faculty begin their specialization?

5. What famous teachers do you know?

6. What are you going to be after graduating from the University?


9. Прослушайте тексты и ответьте на вопросы:



  1. Where did V.Sukhomlinsky work?
  2. How long had he worked as the head of the school?


Vasily Sukhomlinsky worked as a teacher in a small Ukrainian village and became famous as an educationalist.

Sukhomlinsky had worked as the head of the Pavlysh school for 23 years. Sukhomlinsky’s scientific career started with the work on the book “Teacher’s Collective of a Secondary School”. Sukhomlinsky was Candidate of Pedagogical sciences and at the age of 39 he was elected a Corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. Sukhomlinsky maintained that pedagogy is a science for both teachers and parents. Sukhomlinsky’s books have been translated into more than 60 foreign languages and languages of the Russian peoples. The heritage left by the great teacher is varied and many sided. It helps teachers to deal with the complex problems of teaching and bringing up children in the modern school.



  1. When and where was Makarenko born?
  2. How old was Anton when he was sent to the city school?
  3. Did he do well at the Institute?


Anton Semjonovitch Makarenko was born on March, 13, 1868 in the town of Belopolye in the Ukraine. His father was a worker. Anton was a very capable boy. He learnt to read at the age of five. When he was 12 years old he was sent to the city secondary school. Through his school years, and later in the pedagogical institute, he always stood at the head of his class. He graduated from the Poltava Institute with a gold medal. Makarenko was not only a remarkable teacher but also a well-known theoretician who made a great contribution to Russian pedagogics. At present many Russian teachers follow his principle in education.


1. Прочитайте, запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

рedagogics ["pedq'gOGIks] педагогика
psychology [saI'kOlqGI] психология
deeply interested in smth.   ['dI:plI] глубоко интересоваться чем-то
to be eager ['I:gq] стремиться
to master ['ma:stq] овладевать
a broad outlook ['brO:d 'autluk] широкий кругозор, мировоззрение
sympathy ['sImpqTI] симпатия, взаим-ное понимание, сочувствие
view ['vjH] взгляд, мнение, суждение
inquiring [In'kwaIqrIN] пытливый
character ['kxrqktq] характер
attitude ['xtItjHd] отношение, позиция
specialization ["speSqlaI'zeIS(q)n] специализация
quality ['kwOlItI] качество
to provide [prq'vaId] предоставлять, давать
condition [kqn'dISn] условие
creative [krI'eItIv] творческий
activity [xk'tIvItI] деятельность
to be engaged in smth.   [In'gqIGd] заниматься чем-либо
scientific ["saIqn'tIfIk] научный
research [rI'sq:C] исследование, научная работа
to reflect [rI'flekt] отражать
range [reInG] область, круг, сфера
undergraduate ["Andq'grxdjuIt] студент старшего курса
experience [Iks'pIqrIqns] опыт
inner ['Inq] внутренний
nature [neICq] природа
behavior [bI'heIvjq] поведение
to influence ['Influqns] оказывать влияние воздействовать
hereditary [hI'redItqrI] наследственный
environmental [In"vaIr(q)n'mentl] относящийся к окружению
additional [q'dIS(q)n(q)l] дополнительный
to do one’s best     делать все возможное
highly-qualified   ['haIlI'kwOlIfaId] высококвалифицированный
field [fI:ld] сфера, область
to be diversified   [daI'vq:sIfaId] быть разнообразным
psychological adviser   [saI'kqlOGIkql qd'vaIzq] психолог-консультант
post-graduate courses   [ "poust-'grxdjuqt kLsIz] аспирантура
to succeed [sqk'sJd] добиваться, достичь цели