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Talking Instrument Panels
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For a few years now some of the most advanced new automobiles have been equipped with instrument panels that can “speak” providing instrument readings or safety warnings from special electronic circuits.
In a polite female voice, the device will report on engine oil pressure, parking-brake and headlight operation, seat belt connection, totaling 14 different functions. The driver can even program the Voice Warning System to announce the time or to give a low-fuel warning for any preset gas tank level.
The heart of the Voice Warning System is a microprocessor-based electronic speech module made by National Semiconductor Corporation (US). The device requires the connection of 18 wires, but it is simple enough to install in a car.
11. Сделайте сообщение по теме «Motor Transport».
road building | ['rOud 'bIldIN] | строительство дорог |
highway construction | ['haIweI 'kqnstrAkS(q)n] | строительство шоссе |
construction projects | [kqnstrAkS(q)n 'prOGekts] | строительные объекты |
labour-consuming process | ['leIbq-kqn'sjHmIN 'prOuses] | трудоемкий процесс |
technology-completed | [tek'nOlOGI kqm'plI:tId] | технологически закончен |
machines | [mq'SI:nz] | машины |
highly-efficient machines | ['haIlI I'fISI(q)nt mq'SI:nz] | высокоэффективные машины |
earth-moving machines | ['q:T-mHvIN mq'SI:nz] | землеройные машины |
versatile machines | ['vq:sqtaIl] | универсальные машины |
machinery | [mq'SInqrI] | машины и механизмы |
excavating machinery | ['ekskqveItIN mq'SInqrI] | экскаваторные машины |
crawler / wheel type tractor | ['krLlq / 'wI:l' taIp 'trxktq] | гусеничный / колесный трактор |
bulldozer | ['bul"dOuzq] | бульдозер |
grader | ['greIdq] | грейдер |
scraper | ['skreIpq] | скрейпер |
crane | ['kreIn] | кран |
shovel | ['SAvl] | лопата, одноковшовый экскаватор |
skimmer | ['skImq] | нивелировщик |
trencher | ['trenCq] | канавокопатель |
attachment | [q'txCment] | приспособление |
blade | ['bleId] | нож, отвал |
c) | ||
to belong | [bI'lON] | принадлежность |
to become | [bI'kAm] | стать, становиться |
to carry out | ['kxrI aut] | выполнять |
to divide (into) – be divided | [dI'vaId / bI dI'vaIdId] | делить – делиться |
to dig | [dIg] | копать |
to handle | ['hxndl] | управлять, перемещать |
to haul | ['hLl] | перевозить, тянуть |
to maintain | [meIn'teIn] | содержать |
to mount | ['maunt] | монтировать, устанавливать |
to produce | [prq'djHs] | производить, выпускать |
to serve | ['sq:v] | служить |
to use | ['jHz] | использовать |
in order to | [In'O:dq tq] | для того, чтобы |
by means of | [baI'mI':nz qv] | с помощью, посредством |
with the aid of | [wIDq'eId qv] | с помощью |