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Virtual manufacturing
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Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
- What is your future speciality?
- What fuels a rapid rate of progress?
- Why do you think modern design and manufacture cannot do without IT?
- How does application of IT in manufacturing systems contribute to national economy?
- What manufacturer can we identify as a “high-tech” manufacturer?
- Why does evolution of CAD and CAM technologies become possible?
- What ways of using a computer in industry do you know?
- What is the best example of programmable automation?
- What are the limitations of programmable automation?
- What are the advantages of flexible automation?
- Why is the flexible manufacturing system considered most productive?
- Why do you think industrial computerizing is of great importance nowadays?
Designing, testing and developing large manufactured products requires many human and material resources. Information technologies help integrate computer design tools with models and simulations of manufacturing processes for more efficient design, analysis, and testing of products. These “virtual” tools greatly reduce the investment required for product prototyping, testing and validation. The story of the development and production of the Boeing 777 is a vivid illustration of the adoption of virtual manufacturing and the efficiencies that technology can create.
The latest relative in Boeing’s family of jetliners, the 777 is the first airplane to be completely designed and pre-assembled ‘virtually’ – that is, by computer. Performance and strength of the plane were analyzed and tested through complex computer models. Of its three million parts, more than 100,000 are unique; they were precision-engineered from computer models. The parts were manufactured separately at sites spread around the world, then shipped to a central plant, where they were assembled. They fit together perfectly on the first attempt! The cost savings to Boeing were tremendous, and the company won multiple manufacturing and innovation awards.
(“Wellspring of Prosperity”)
1. Прочитайте, запомните следующие интернацио-нальные слова:
motor | ['mOutq] | двигатель, мотор |
passenger | ['pxsInGq] | пассажир |
national | ['nxSnql] | национальный |
industry | ['IndqstrI] | промышленность |
auto | ['LtO(u)] | автомобиль |
diesel | ['dI:zl] | дизель |
chassis | ['SxsIz] | шасси |
specialization | ["speSqlaI'zeISn] | специализация |
automobile | ['LtOmqbl] | автомобиль |
effectiveness | [I'fektIvnIs] | эффективность |
transport | ['trxnspO:t] | транспорт |
distance | ['dIst(q)ns] | расстояние |
economy | [J'kOnqmI] | экономика, хозяйство |
carburettor | ['kRbq'retq] | карбюратор |
component | [kqm'pOunqnt] | комплектующий |
trailer | ['treIlq] | трейлер, прицеп |
tractor | ['trxktq] | трактор |
specific | [spI'sIfIk] | специфичный, особый |
specialized | ['speS(q)laIzd] | специализированный |
electrical | [I'lektrIk(q)l] | электрический |
utilization | ["ju:tIlaI'zeISn] | использование |