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Advanced Mechanization
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Составьте предложения.
1. Which, at present, are, there, systems, use, techniques, several, automatic, different.
2. Technology, an, plays, in, advances, important, automation, part, great, of, the.
3. And, processes, I, in, production, specializing, am, automation, technological, of.
5. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на слово «since».
1. Glass has been widely used since the ancient times.
2. Since matter is the basic working material in our world, we ought to learn as much as possible about it.
3. Mechanization has been going on since long before the industrial revolution.
4. Gasoline is a hydrocarbon, since it is made up of hydrogen and carbon compounds.
Mechanization has been going on steadily since long before the industrial revolution, and a few of the early lathes and looms were so highly automatic that their operators were left with only the skilled work of setting and maintaining them and the unskilled work of loading and unloading them. What has happened since then is that more improved machinery of this kind has gradually been installed while the burden of loading, unloading and handling between operations has been lightened and in some factories almost completely removed.
There are many good examples of highly automatic machinery today – the textile machines are used in many processes, and the automatic lathes and transfer-machines are used in engineering. The transfer-machine is perhaps the best example; it is really a series of machine – tools, each doing one operation automatically.
The handling of goods in factories is being rapidly mechanized.
а) automation, automatic, automatically
1. … means … control of processes and machinery.
2. Instruments … start and stop the turbines.
b) machine, machinery
1. Our industries have many kinds of automatic … today.
2. The first … were semi-automatic.
c) mechanical, mechanization, mechanism
1. The … properties of semiconductors vary greatly.
2. … is the first step of automation.
3. … of the human brain is very complicated.
“Automation” is a new word for a new purpose. Many people are surprised to learn that in industries like chemical and oil-refining entire processes have become very nearly (почти) automatic. Electronic computers are becoming very good at routine clerical work in offices and factories.
Automation has many sides. It includes, for example, developments that are no more, that advanced mechanization-transfer-machines in engineering, many kinds of machinery for making finished goods, and mechanical equipment for handling and assembly. Machines of this kind are automatic in that they do the actual work on their own; the operators only watch them and correct them whenever they go wrong – when, for instance, tools wear out.
But automation can also mean automatic control of processes and machinery, and this is a very different thing from mechanization, though the two go together. Control is necessary in a vast number of processes in order to maintain the quality of a product when the operating conditions, such as temperature and pressure, change from time to time.
9. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is automation?
2. What industries have become very nearly automatic?
3. What is the difference between “automation” and “automatic control”?
4. What is the purpose of automatic control?
5. Where are electronic computers employed?