Electric Shock

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Power supply; central control panels; feeding sources; step-up substations; step-down substations; auxiliary sources; distribution power grids, rural regions; electric engineering; industrial enterprises; household electrical appliances; microscopic electric motors; heat-resistant enamel wires; high- capacity accumulating battery.


1. My future speciality is … to industrial enterprises, …

2. I am ... that my speciality is .. because power engineering is….

3. The power engineers have to do …

4. There are the problems of …

5. The problems … concern the … generation and distribution of the electrical power.

6. The work of many power stations …


6. “Memory test”. Восстановите по памяти (на русском языке), в каком контексте упоминаются следующие английские словосочетания:

1. … because power engineering is a key industry.

2. … then there are the problems of controlling, the phase …

3. … it covers the entire territory of our country.

4. … can be regulated from one control panel.

5. … as well as for new power distribution systems.


1. What are you?

2. Where do you study?

3. Why is your speciality important for the economy?

4. What problems does it deal with?

5. Power engineering is one of the branches of mechanical engineering, isn’t it?

6. What technique must power engineer know?

7. Does the Unified Power Grid cover the territory of our country?

8. What is the function of the Integral Power Grid?

9. Why do you like your speciality?

10. Why do we need more and more energy?

На энергетическом факультете нас готовят работать в области электротехники, электроснабжения промышленных предприятий, городов и сельской местности. Инженеры – энергетики должны решать многие проблемы. Они должны знать технику высокого напряжения и бытовые электроприборы, электромоторы различных типов и изоляторы, и многое другое электрооборудование. После окончания учебы в университете мы сможем работать на электростанциях или в энергораспределительных центрах страны.


Voltage applied to your body may result in an electric shock. You will get it if you touch “live” conductors when the power is on. When you touch a wire conductor with both hands the resistance of the body to the conductors is from 10,000 to 50,000W.

When you touch a conductor with one hand, the resistance is much higher. The higher is the body resistance the smaller is the current that can flow through the body.

Take it into consideration and work with only one hand if the power is on. Do not let the other hand touch the conductors! Or work on the circuit with the power off.



1. What is the above text about?

2. What are its main points?

3. When does one get an electric shock?

4. What is the relation between the body resistance and the value of current flowing through the body?


10. Расскажите: 1. о вашей специальности инженера-энергетика; 2. перспективах развития энергетики; 3. роли энергетики в развитии современного общества (социальные и экологические проблемы).