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Прослушайте неполные предложения. Постарайтесь понять, какие слова или словосочетания в них отсутствуют. Повторите полные предложения.
- I belong … .
- We are prepared for … of work.
- We’ll be able to work as … .
- The latter couldn’t … financial information.
- … increased the risk of the financial investments.
- … wanted to be sure of not being deceived.
- Special people - … - were invited.
- Accounting is … difficult speciality.
- Accounting shows … of the firm.
- Most businesses regularly prepare the two types … .
- На каком факультете вы учитесь?
- Где вы сможете работать?
- Когда появилось понятие аудит?
- Почему акционеры не могли положиться на инфор-мацию, данную бухгалтерами предприятия?
- Кто такие аудиторы?
- Когда знание бухгалтерского учета стало необхо-димым?
- Что показывает бухгалтерского учет о предприятии?
- Какие отчеты выполняют бухгалтера?
- Какие основные требования предъявляются аудитору?
- Много ли нужно учиться, чтобы стать аудитором?
- The origin of the term audit goes back to the dividing of interests between groups of people.
- Auditors are special people who could be trusted.
- The good professional.
- Faultless honesty.
- Shows a financial picture of the firm.
- One must study for a long time, have practical experience.
- That is the income statement and balance sheet.
- I belong to the economic faculty.
- Because frequent bankruptcies increased the risk of financial investments.
- We’ll be able to work as auditors, book-keepers, financial managers, administrators and experts.
- Расскажите о вашей специальности.
1. Прочитайте, запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:
management | ['mxnIGmqnt] | управление |
manage | ['mxnIG] | управлять |
objective | [qb'GektIv] | цель |
recruit | [rI'krHt] | набирать |
maintain | [meIn'teIn] | устанавливать |
efficient | [I'fISnt] | продуктивный, производительный |
efficiency | [I'fISnsI] | продуктивность, производительность |
requirement | [rI'kwaIqmqnt] | требование |
skill | [skIl] | навык |
ability | [q'bIlItI] | способность |
applicant | ['xplIkqnt] | кандидат, претендент |
employee | [ImlOI'J] | служащий |
employment | [Im'plOIment] | работа, служба |
Sales Manager | ['seIlz 'mxnIGq] | менеджер отдела продаж |
Export Manager | ['ekspLt 'mxnIGq] | управляющий экспортным отделом |
Production Manager | [prq'dAkSn 'mxnIGq] | управляющий производством |
General Manager | ['Genrql 'mxnIGq] | главный управляющий |
Staff Manager | ['stAf' mxnIGq] | начальник отдела кадров |
We study at the Bratsk State University. As for me I am a second-year student and belong to the Engineering and Economics Faculty. My future speciality is State and Municipal Management.
At the University we are given a broad fundamental knowledge of different subjects such as the theory and history of management, economic theory, document keeping, personal management and others. We are taught to manage both technical and human resources. I should say that there is a wide choice for us here; we may become Sales or Export Managers, Production or General Managers, but I’d like to work as a Staff Manager. This person must understand how to manage one of the business’s most important resources, people.
The main objective of the Staff Manager’s function is to recruit and maintain an efficient work force. The finding and keeping of good employees is not easy. The employee should be best qualified to fill the job requirements. The education, experience and personality of each candidate must be carefully considered. Before selecting an employee, the following points need to be considered:
- a description of the job;
- a source of applicants;
- a basis for selecting the best candidate;
- a training program for the individual after hiring.
Position description has two parts. The first is a job description, which includes the main tasks and responsibilities of the position. The second part is called the job specification. This part defines the education, work experience, skills, and abilities the individual must have in order to perform the job effectively.
Sources of employees. It is better to seek out applicants for employment rather than to wait for them to come. A number of sources of possible workers are: high schools, technical and business schools, private and public employment agencies, “Help Wanted» advertisements, etc.
The application form. Application forms should fit the needs of the company and conform to the law. Their purpose is to furnish the Staff Manager with enough information about applicants so that a judgment as to their qualifications for a job can be made. Besides, many forms of tests are used to determine the applicant’s aptitudes, attitudes, skills and suitability for employment. Before deciding to hire an individual, the references, which have been provided, should be checked. References are persons who have known the applicant for some time and their information may be helpful.
Employee training includes any activity that provides information or the development of skills that improves the employee’s performance.
In conclusion I’d like to say that the Staff Manager must be able to provide the effective management of people, ensuring good relationship between them and fostering opportunities for individual development. I like my future speciality and I’ll do my best to master it.