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Прочитайте следующие слова, обратите внимание на произношение слов.
Прочитайте следующие интернациональные слова, обращая внимание на их произношение.
technique | [tek'nJk] |
pneumatic | [njH'mxtIk] |
ceramics | [sI'rxmIks] |
panel | ['pxnql] |
scheme | [skJm] |
plastics | ['plxstIks] |
aluminum | [xlju'mInjqm] |
technology | ['tek'nOlOGI] |
material | [mq'tIqrIql] |
column | ['kOlqm] |
origin | ['OrIGIn] |
aqueduct | ['xkwIdqkt] |
excavation | [ekskq'veISqn] |
а) с суффиксом – «ize» [aIz]: civilized, industrialized, characterized, minimized, organized, automatized;
b) с суффиксом – “ture” [Cq]: architecture, structural, future, century, picture, structure, culture, manufacture.
1. What are you?
2. What place does the building industry hold in the national economy?
3. What is the term “civil engineering” applied to?
4. What is the origin of “architecture”?
5. What are the oldest building materials?
6. Where are prefabricated units and elements produced?
7. What does the term “industrialized building” mean?
8. Why did construction work become cheaper and quicker?
9. What machinery is used on the construction site now?
10. What should a town of the future be?
11. What types of knowledge must the civil engineer have?
1. Origin, tents, caves, architecture, to, rock, gave, and, hunts, an.
2. Was, method, our, times,the, construction, till, of, used, column, beam, and.
3. One, scheme, framework, the, skeleton, structural, today, of, is.
4. Is, construction, all, now, work, industrialized?
5. Done, most, at, plants, the, is, housebuilding, work, of.
7. “Memory test.” Восстановите по памяти (на русском языке), в каком контексте упоминаются следующие английские словосочетания:
1. … holds one of the main places … .
2. … to provide protection against bad weather … .
3. … at the plant which produces prefabricated units and elements … .
4. … means prefabrication, the organization of work, programming … .
5. … to draw together many types of engineering knowledge … .
8. Прочитайте и переведите без словаря следующий текст:
Civil engineering is claimed to be “the art of directing the great sources of power in nature for the use and convenience of man”. The part played by civil engineers in pioneering work and in developing wide areas of the world has been and continues to be enormous.
Civil engineers must make use of many different branches of knowledge, including mathematics, theory of structures, hydraulics, soil mechanics, surveying, hydrology, geology and economics.
Civil engineering was not distinguished from other branches of engineering until 200 years ago. Most early engineers were engaged in the construction of fortifications and were responsible for building the roads and bridges required for the movement of troops and supplies.
9. Перескажите тему «Моя профессия – гражданское строительство» по плану:
1. Kinds of jobs the term “civil engineering” is applied to.
2. The history of building.
3. The constructive principles in old times and today.
4. Modern architecture characteristics.
5. Housebuilding plants.
6. Machinery used on a construction site now.
7. Town of the future.
8. Town planning.
9. The civil engineer.