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Прослушайте дикторскую запись указанных ниже предложений. Постарайтесь понять, какие слова и словосочетания в них отсутствуют. Повторите полные предложения.
Прочитайте текст еще раз и найдите эквиваленты a) слов и словосочетаний, b) предложений.
Научитесь правильно произносить следующие интернациональные слова.
hydro | ['haIdrou] | |
industrial | [In'dAstrIql] | |
aluminium | [xlju'mInqm] | |
industry | ['IndAstrI] | |
cultural | ['kAlCqrql] | |
stadium | ['stxdIum] |
а) Местный, гордость, продукция, главная достопри-мечательность, лесопромышленный, кукольный театр, огромное количество, любимое место отдыха, промышленная эксплуатация.
b) Первые агрегаты станции были запущены в 1961 году.
Здесь есть три Дворца Культуры. Казаки во главе с Максимом Перфильевым построили крепость на правом берегу Ангары.
5. Восстановите по памяти (на русском языке), в каком контексте упоминаются следующие словосочетания:
entire station
puppet theatre
to have a good rest
the only trouble
1. There are __________ industrial enterprises here.
2. The history of _______ of the Angara goes back to _______.
3. Bratsk’s new life began in _________ _________.
4. ____ bob-sleigh track in Bratsk is _____ to the ____ ______.
5. Bratsk is among 10 ___________ towns of Russia.
1. Where is Bratsk situated?
2. What century does the history of Bratsk go back?
3. Who were the first settlers on the banks of the Angara?
4. When were the first generating units of the station put on line?
5. What are the largest industrial enterprises in Bratsk?
6. What places of interest in Bratsk do you know?
7. What is your favourite town in Russia?
1. Who was Avvakum?
2. Why was he exiled?
3. Where can you see the towers of Fort now?
There is a historical legend associated with the tower in Bratsk Fort. Bratsk Fort, like many other remote parts of Siberia, was a place of banishment. Rumour has it that it was in this tower that one of the most vident schismatics of the 17th century was imprisoned for a while – the indomitable archpriest Avvakum, unfrocked, anathematised, whipped but still a militant fighter for the old belief. The second of the two towers surviving those times was taken to the Kolomenskoye Estate - museum in Moskow.
- How many rivers flow into Baikal?
- What did old Baikal do to stop his daughter?
I’d like to tell you a legend about the Angara. According to a legend, old Baikal was brought gifts of water by his 336 sons – large, small and tiny mountain rivers (554 according to new calculations). To counterbalance her brothers Angara, Baikal’s the only daughter, carried out into the world between her broad banks Baikal’s precious water, which had settled in the Siberian lake for 4 centuries. The Angara is a restive river. The legend of old man Baikal and his wilful daughter Angara tells how Baikal threw the Shaman Stone after his daughter as she was running to her hero Yenisei, but he failed to stop her.
10. Перескажите текст “Bratsk”.