II. Read about two famous Universities in England

My best friend goes to the private school and she really likes to study there but unfortunately I can see her only on weekends.

Answer the questions


free – бесплатный

to provide – обеспечивать

compulsory – обязательный

nursery school – дошкольное обучение (детсад)

primary school – начальная школа

infant school – младшая начальная школа

junior school – старшая начальная школа

private school – частная школа

secondary school – средняя школа

the Common Entrance Exam – Единый Вступительный экзамен

General Certificate of Secondary Education – Аттестат о получении среднего образования

1. What education is considered to be compulsory?

2. What is a primary school?

3. What is a private school like?

4. What is a public school?

5. What exam do the children pass at the age of sixteen?

6. What can the pupils do when they are sixteen?

7. What can you say about universities in Britain?

· Make up your own examples with the vocabulary:

For example:private school – частная школа

· Find the equivalents in the text for:

1. Школы обеспечивают учащихся учебниками и необходимым оборудованием.

2. Обучение является обязательным с пяти до шестнадцати лет.

3. Около семи процентов британских детей учатся в частных школах.

4. Этот экзамен считается вступительным в самые лучшие школы.

5. Дети аристократов и богатых людей, как правило, учатся в тех же частных школах, что и их родители.

6. Они могут закончить обучение, если пожелают.

· Retell the text under following plan:

1. Name the types of schools in Britain

2. Name the difference between these schools

3. Speak about higher education in Britain

Oxford and Cambridge are the most beautiful and oldest universities in England. Every year hundreds of young people whose parents have enough money to pay for university education come to Oxford or Cambridge from school. They spend three or four years at the university.

People from other countries like to visit Oxford while they are in England because it has many interesting buildings. The most important street in Oxford is High Street. Cambridge consists of many different colleges which make a picture of Cambridge as one of the most amazing towns in Great Britain. Parts of the town of Cambridge have not changed since they were built hundreds of years ago.