Write the names of famous mathematicians and their inventions (in English). Compare your ideas in the group.

Write an annotation to the text.

Think of a title to every paragraph of the text.

Answer the following grammar questions.

Answer the questions.

1. Why is Euclid one of the most important mathematicians in history?

2. What famous works did he write?

3. Did he write them on his own?

4. Who wrote mostly about Euclid’s life? What do we know about him?

5. What is the most important of his works? When was it printed? What does it include?

6. What character did Euclid have? There are some facts proving that, aren’t there?


1. Подчеркните в тексте глаголы в пассивном залоге. Определите время.

2. Выпишите прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени. Поставьте каждый из них в обе степени сравнения.


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97. Translate the words to text № 98.

festival remarkable philharmonic symphony orchestra chorus syllabic folk represent associate refrain amateur bagpipe tabor fiddle concertina melodeon  


98. Read the text and explain what problem the text deals with.