Write your own suggestions how to save money. Discuss them in your group.

Write an annotation to the text.

Answer the following grammar questions.

Find the equivalents.

Копить на большую покупку; печь домашний хлеб; может быть найдена на блошином рынке; освобождает ресурсы для долгосрочных сбережений; легко оправдать покупку дополнительных товаров; без платы за текущий счет в банке; будет стоить усилий; чтобы избежать снятия процента; найди конкурентные ставки; снять наличные с банка.

37. What advice does the author give? Give the idea and underline key words in every paragraph.

1. Найдите в тексте все глаголы, которые стоят в императивной форме.

2. Обведите в тексте прилагательные. Какие из них стоят в положительной сравнительной и превосходной степени?



41. Translate the words to text № 42.

be composed of laws of heredity self-maintenance mammalian biology underlie subdivision conduct a research focal point environment be involved in increase crop yields chemical composition nutrition involve weighing applied research marine research use the discoveries related organism fungi / yeasts algae / protozoa vital disease plant cells / tissues  


42. Read the text and try to explain the title.

The possibilities are endless...

Biology is the study of life and living things. It is actually a multi-science composed of many disciplines unified by the fact that all living things – plants, animals, and microorganisms – follow the same fundamental laws of heredity, reproduction, growth, development, self-maintenance and response. Zoology focuses on interests in animal biology, covering a spectrum from traditional natural history and field biology to the mammalian biology underlying medical research. In spite of its traditional place as a subdivision of biology, zoology has, through its animal orientation, fostered some of the most relevant and exciting research being conducted today: in immunology and immunogenetics, in hormonal action, in genetic regulation in development, and in animal behaviour and social structure. Many of these are shared by functionally oriented departments or fields, but zoology is the focal point of all.

Biologists study all aspects of living organisms and the relationship of animals, plants, insects and microbes to their environment. Many specialize in ornithology (the study of birds), microbiology (the study of microscopic organisms), or some other area. All have in common the study of life. Many are involved in research and development. Some conduct basic research to increase knowledge of living organisms, while others in applied research use this knowledge to develop new medicines, increase crop yields, improve the environment, and other such activities.

Biochemists study the chemical composition and behaviour of living things, and may study the effects of food, hormones, or drugs on various organisms. They may work in the areas of medicine, nutrition, or agriculture, however, most work in basic research which involves such things as weighing, filtering, distilling, drying, and culturing (growing) organisms. Sometimes they design special apparatus or equipment necessary to their work. Some Biochemists work in applied research which uses the discoveries of basic research to solve practical problems.

Microbiologists study bacteria and related organisms such as viruses, fungi, yeasts, algae, and protozoa. In their work they isolate, cultivate, classify, and control these microscopic forms of life so that they can study their structure and life processes. They study organisms that are helpful and even vital to life, and also work with those that produce disease. Microbiologists are interested in the effects microorganisms have on living or dead animal and plant cells, bacterial cells, tissues and organs. They use their knowledge and skills in many fields of work. The study of microorganisms is useful in medical and dental research, food and drug industries, public health programs, agriculture, veterinary studies, chemical and petroleum industries, and marine research.