Союзы в условных придаточных предложениях
Основными союзами условных предложений являются:
1) if– если
If you knew him better, you wouldn’t Если бы вы знали его лучше, вы
think so. бы так не думали.
2) provided– при условии, если
We’ll finish the work on time Мы закончим работу вовремя при
provided you send all necessary условии, если вы пришлете все
materials. необходимые материалы.
3) in case –в случае
In case I don’t find her at home, I’ll В случае, если я не застану её дома,
leave her a note. я оставлю ей записку.
4) unless – если . . . не
I’ll come in time unless I am Я приду вовремя, если меня не
detained at the institute. задержат в институте.
Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. It wouldn't do you any harm if you did this exercise a second time. 2. You would never say he was gloomy if you knew him better. 3. If this book were more interesting, it would be in greater demand. 4. If my friend were in Moscow now, he could show me round the city. 5. If I had known that, you would be hurt, I would never have told you about it. 6. If my grandfather had had a chance to study, he'd have been a great man, I'm sure. 7. I had to walk from the station. If I'd had more money on me, I could have taken a taxi. 8. If he'd come a minute later, he'd have missed the train. 9. He'd feel very hurt if you failed to come to his birthday party. 10. I could have tried to cheer her up if I'd known that she was in trouble. 11. If by chance the weather were fine tomorrow, I'd wear this suit. 12. If I came across a plain blue dress while shopping, I shouldn't hesitate to buy it. 13. If you had worked harder last year, you wouldn't have made these mistakes. 14. If Petrov were more experienced, he'd do better.
Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the Subjunctive Mood.
1. It is necessary that Sasha (read) this story.
2. I suggest that she (join) our circle.
3. We all wish that Nelly (be) with us now; but she is not.
4. The teacher insisted that we (make) short grammar reports.
5. It is important that you (stay) after the lessons.
6. Come closer so that I (examine) your arm.
7. Robinson Crusoe left his father's house early in life so that he (begin) sea
8. Put the cup back on the shelf lest you (break) it.
9. My brother insists that I (play) the violin.
10. Put the penknife into the desk lest you (break) it.
Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences using the Subjunctive mood.
1. If you (not to buy) coffee, we shall drink tea. 2. If he is free tomorrow, he certainly (to come) to our party. 3. My brother wouldn’t have missed so many lessons if he (not to hurt) his leg. 4. If my friend (to work) in my office, we should meet every day. 5. If you spoke English every day, you (to improve) your language skills. 6. If you get a “5”, your mother (to be) happy. 7. If she (to return) earlier, she would have been able to see him before he left. 8. If these shoes were not too big for me I (to buy) them. 9. If you (to ring) me up, I shall tell you a secret. 10. If you (to be) a poet, you would write beautiful poetry. 11. If he did not read too much, he (not to know) English Literature so well. 12. If he (to come) to our house yesterday, he would have met his friends. 13. If he (not to pass) his examination, he will not get a scholarship. 14. If she (not to help) me, I should have been in a very difficult situation. 15. My farther would have more free time if he (not to read) so many newspapers.
Exercise 4. Connect the sentences using the Subjunctive mood.
Model: Peter didn't work hard and didn't get a good knowledge of English. He failed the exam.
If Peter had worked hard and got a good knowledge of English, he wouldn't
have failed the exam.
1. She worked hard. That's why she became a first-class ballet dancer.
2. You failed me. I didn't take the necessary steps in time.
3. The weather's bad. We can't go to the country.
4. I keep a diary. I never forget my appointments.
5. I couldn't attend to the matter myself. I was engaged at a conference.
6. The boy behaved badly. We made him apologize.
7. I'll be frank with you. You can keep secrets.
8. He didn't find me at home. We couldn't exchange opinions.
9. There was no railway connection between the two villages. We took a car
to get from one to the other.
10. My friend went in for sports at the expense of his health. Now he has had
to give it up.
Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences using the Subjunctive mood.
1. He would have come to the party if... (not to be held up).
2. If the director turned up now ... (to attend to, personally).
3. I shouldn't dare to bother you at such a late hour if ... (urgent).
4. If you took part in the next sports competitions... (to do a lot of good).
5. I should have bought that coat without any hesitation if... (to have money)
6. If you gave in... (not to be praised).
7. I would tell you about it if... (can, to speak in private).
8. If this play had been put on at our club... (to be a success).
9. If you had kept this fruit in a cool (прохладный) place... (not to go bad).
10. He wouldn't behave like that if he ... (an honest man).
Exercise 6. Open the brackets using the right form of the verb.
1. I wish I (can) give up smoking. 2. She wishes she (to see) him at yesterday’s party. 3. I wish I to pass) my driving test last Monday. 4. I wish I (not to forget) my friend’s birthday yesterday. 5. The boy is sad. He wishes he (not to break) the window. 6. My aunt wishes she (to stay) at home last week-end. 7. He wishes he (to know) something about cars. 8. I wish it (to be) sunny. 9. I wish it (to be) sunny during our picnic last Saturday. 10. She wishes she (to live) in the Crimea. 11. My friend wishes he (not to do) that last night. 12. I wish I (to bring) my camera last summer. 13. I wish I (can) tell the future. 14. Do you wish you (to be) in the Guinness Book of Records? 15. Some people wish they (can) appear on a TV game show and become famous.
Exercise 7. Translate into English paying attention to the Subjunctive mood.
a) 1. Я бы взял такси, если бы знал, что в нашем распоряжении было так мало времени. 2. На вашем месте я бы не настаивал на том, чтобы эти меры были приняты немедленно. Это было бы неразумно. 3. Этот ученик не провалился бы на экзаменах, если бы вовремя были приняты необходимые меры. 4. В прошлом месяце результаты были бы гораздо лучше, если бы все поняли преимущество нашего предложения. 5. Она не жаловалась бы на головные боли, если бы ежедневно гуляла перед сном. 6. На Вашем месте я как следует все бы обдумал, прежде чем принимать окончательное решение.
b) 1. Ах, если бы вы сказали ей об этом в прошлое воскресенье! 2. Хорошо бы у нас сейчас были каникулы. 3. Если бы он пришел сегодня вечером! 4. Мы пожалели, что не попросили его совета. 5. Жаль, что вы отказались принять участие в пикнике. 6. Жаль, что вас не интересует этот предмет. 7. Мы бы хотели, что бы вы упомянули эти факты. 8. Жаль, что мы опоздали на поезд. 9. Жаль, что вы включили телевизор так поздно. 10. Если бы я был свободен сейчас!
Раздел 8