вариант 3



Задание 1. Прочтите текст и переведите выделенный отрывок письменно.


Еconomics can tell us the likely results of a sales tax. In addition, as a scientific discipline, economics provides extremely useful analytical tools and frameworks for understanding human behavior in the areas of getting and spending money, which (let's face it) occupies the majority of most people's waking hours.

Economics deals with fundamental, often life-or-death issues. That is why economics is important. Its challenge lies in its mysteries: We don't know when the next expansion or recession will come. We don't know if a federal tax cut will help the economy grow. We don't know which new technologies should be encouraged and which ones won't pan out (не преуспеют). And, tragically, we don't know how to overcome poverty, hunger, crime, and other evils rooted in economic reality. But economics is the branch of the social sciences most concerned with these matters, and it is the one that's well equipped to help us deal with them.

Economics provides a framework for understanding government policies, business developments, and consumer behavior here and abroad. It provides a rich context for making decisions in your business, professional, and financial life. The economy is to business as the ocean is to fish. It is the environment in which business operates. The more you know about this environment, the better you will function as a manager, analyst, and decision-maker.


Задание 2. Соедините части предложений и переведите их письменно.


can predict     understand government policies, business development, and consumer behaviour.
provides context   in the areas of getting and spending money
deals with   the likely results of economic activity.
is well equipped to help us   fundamental, often life-to-death issues.
is concerned with human behavior   for making decision in your business, professional and financial life.

Задание 3. Найдите эквиваленты и запишите их парами.

1 to provide a) the type of economic system
2 to satisfy b) the central authority
3 to determine c) goods and services
4 to rely d) the income
5 to obey e) people’s wants
6 to evaluate f) to work hard
7 to encourage g) on the same tools and methods

Задание 4. Соответствуют ли данные утверждения содержанию текста? Поставьте знак T , если утверждение верное и знак F, если неверное.


Economics is a branch of mathematics.

Waking hours means hours of sleeping.

Economics provides a businessman analytical tools for making decisions.

Economics concerns with such matters as wealth and poverty.

You can easily be a successful businessman without studying economics.




Задание 5. Прочтите текст и выполните задания к нему.