Living without a TV

Almost every family today has a TV, in fact probably more than one, and people everywhere spend hours watching it. But a few families choose to live without a TV because they think there are advantages.

The first advantage is that families spend more time talking to each other. Secondly, they spend more time doing more creative things like reading or painting. Thirdly, they spend more time outdoors, and are usually fitter.

On the other hand, they are also disadvantages. For example, children who don't have TV may feel different from their school friends, and often won't know what they are talking about. Also it is not true that all TV programs are bad. There are also good ones, like documentaries, and people who live without a TV may know less about what's happening in the world.

In conclusion, although living without a TV has some advantages, I think it's unrealistic and that we should just try to turn the TV off when there's nothing good on.


Задание 15. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту письменно.

1. What are the three advantages of life without a TV?

2. What are the two disadvantages?

3. Is the writer for or against having a TV?


Задание 16. Выпишите из текста три преимущества и три недостатка телевидения и пронумеруйте их от 1 до 3 (от самого важного к менее важному.









Задание 17. Ответьте на вопросы.


1. How many TVs are there in your house?

2. How many channels do you have?

3. Do you have satellite or cable TV?

4. Which channel do you watch the most?

5. Do you watch any foreign channels? Which one(s)?

6. How much TV do you watch during the week/ at weekends?

7. How watches most/least TV in your family?

8. Do you think there are too many adverts on TV in your country?

9. Do you think TV programs in your country are getting better or worse? Why?


Задание 18. Прочитайте и переведите письменно список телевизионных передач и напишите L(Like), H(Hate), DM(Don’t mind) напротив каждой из них.

· Quiz shows

· Reality shows

· Comedy shows

· Chat shows

· Soap operas

· The news

· Cartoons

· Documentaries

· Drama series

· Films

· Sport programmes


Задание 19. Напишите, какие из телевизионных передач вы смотрите часто/редко/всегда и т.д. Используйте все наречия из списка.

Образец: I never watch soap operas.

I rarely watch …


Задание 20. Используйте наречия из задания 19 и напишите, как часто вы:

ª make your bed in the morning

ª do the washing-up

ª play basketball on Mondays

ª visit relatives at weekends

ª watch the evening news on TV

ª brush your teeth before going to bed


Задание 21. В данном упражнении перечислены способы проведения свободного времени. Заполните пропуски глаголами из списка.