Text Е. No Cost Techniques to Prevent Wrinkles and Retard Skin Aging

1. Read and translate the text.

Right information and common sense can go a long way towards preventing wrinkles and premature skin aging at virtually no cost

Beware of the sun:Most people know that UV-rays from the sun contribute to wrinkles and skin aging as well as increase the risk of skin cancer. What most people don't know is that the majority of sunscreens do not protect from skin aging and that staying out of direct sunlight will prevent only part of sun damage. Since sun damage is partly irreversible, it should be prevented as much as possible.

Sunscreens: Sunburn is caused mainly by UVB while skin aging, wrinkles and skin cancer - mainly by UVA. The reason is that light with different frequency tends to attack different types structures in the skin. Most sunscreens, especially those with SPF higher than 15, are very good at protecting against UVB and therefore at preventing sunburn, but offer little or no protection against UVA and therefore do not help prevent wrinkles or reduce the risk of skin cancer.

When shopping for a sunscreen make sure that it has SPF 15 or higher and that it offers protection against both UVA and UVB. The best way to "find truth" about a sunscreen is to look at the list of active ingredients and see if they include effective UVA blockers.

Indirect sunlight: When outside don't assume that wearing a hat or staying in the shade protects you from UV light. Reflected light may retain over a third of its UV rays. When outside always wear a UVA and UVB-blocking sunscreen. You may have heard that glass blocks UV rays. It does block UVB quite well but fails to block much of UVA. This means that in a room brightly lit with daylight you still should wear sunscreen to ensure maximum UV protection.

Downside of light avoidance: Some people choose to stay out of the sun and bright daylight altogether. This is clearly a solution for minimizing UV damage but it does have a significant downside (in addition to reducing the enjoyment of life). In some people, lack of exposure to bright light may disturb normal sleep-wake cycle leading to insomnia and depression. (This has to do with the effect of light on the production of some brain chemicals such as serotonin and melatonin.) Sunlight is also needed for the body to produce vitamin D whose deficiency leads to bone loss and poor immunity. If you have no sun exposure, make sure that you get 100% RDA for vitamin D in your vitamin supplement of in vitamin D fortified milk.

Don't smoke:I hope dear reader that you don't smoke for many other health reasons. If you do, keep in mind that smoking damages skin almost as much as sunlight by generating a flood of free radicals. Certain antioxidants may provide partial protection from smoking-relate skin damage.

Sleep on your back:Most of the day, gravity pulls you skin down, contributing to facial sag and wrinkles. Give your skin a break as you sleep. When you sleep face up, the stretching effect of gravity on your skin is minimal. Besides, when your face is pressed to a pillow, you get more puffiness in the morning.

Don't drink alcohol in the evening:Alcohol increases the leakiness of capillaries (small blood vessels), so more water moves from bloodstream into soft tissues. Combined with horizontal position of the body during sleep, this results in facial puffiness, skin stretching and faster wrinkle formation. Moderate drinking at least three hours before going to bed should not cause this problem in most people.

Don't wash your skin too often with tap water: Washing strips skin of oil and moisture. Besides, tap water contains chlorine which causes oxidative damage. Washing your face once a day is sufficient. Excessively long and/or frequent showers overexpose your skin to chlorine. Rate of chemical reactions increases with temperature. The higher the temperature of the water, the greater is the damage from chlorine in the water.

Other techniques:There are several other helpful no cost tips to prevent wrinkles and skin aging. They require investing a little time and effort, but considering what many people spend later in life on reversing preventable wrinkles and skin damage, you can expect a big pay-off.


to retard – задержать, остановить premature – преждевременный virtually – в сущности, фактически to beware (of) – беречься, остерегаться irreversible - необратимый frequency – частота, скорость to assume – зд. надеяться retain - удерживать, сохранять to ensure – обеспечить downside – недостаток lack – недостаток, отсутствие deficiency – дефицит flood - поток puffiness – одутловатость, отёчность leakiness – просачиваемость vessel – сосуд tissue – ткань tap – кран sufficient - достаточный excessively - чрезмерно frequent – частый chlorine - хлор rate - скорость to require требовать

2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following expressions:

здравый смысл, повышает риск рака кожи, прямые солнечные лучи, удостоверьтесь, "найти истину", отражённый свет, наносить на кожу солнцезащитные средства, избегание света, радости жизни, режим сна, помнить, способствуя обвисанию кожи и появлению морщин, спать вверх лицом, кровеносные сосуды, прижато к подушке, мягкие ткани, умеренное употребление алкоголя, лишает кожу жира и влаги, полезные не требующие больших затрат советы.

3. Find Russian equivalents to the following expressions:

cost techniques, tends to attack different types structures in the skin, staying in the shade, a room brightly lit with daylight, leads to bone loss and poor immunity, in vitamin D fortified milk, by generating a flood of free radicals, stretching effect of gravity, get more puffiness, tap water, on reversing preventable wrinkles and skin damage.

4. Write annotation of the text in English using the plan below:

1. Factors causing wrinkles and premature skin aging.