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Text D. Facial Skin Care

Although skin care should be considered all over the body, it is usually the face that gets most attention. Probably due to the fact that it is the most exposed, therefore most affected and most noticed. It is therefore important to take specific care of all areas of the skin and there are many products and treatments available in order to satisfy the individual needs of the customer.

Firstly, the products chosen must suit the skin type of the customer; the four types are as follows normal, oily, dry and combination. Secondly, as we know, the face is split into fourteen zones; each zone is affected by different aspects of the bodily system.

The most common facial skin care regime is a three step process of cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Cleansing removes dirt from the pores to prevent clogging and infection. There are many different types of cleansers: washes, wipes, soap bars and creams. This is then followed by a method called toning, which acts as an astringent which removes the last traces of cleanser from the skin and leaves the pores tightened. Toner usually comes in the form of a liquid solution which is applied to a cotton wool pad and applied to the skin in sweeping motions. Finally, moisturizing leaves the newly prepared skin protected and hydrated to prevent dryness and irritation. This comes in the form of a cream and as with all skin care products should be chosen to best suit individual skin type.

Other products available for skin care treatment include specialist creams for specific areas, face scrubs to remove dead skin cells, anti aging creams, solar creams, lip balms and make-up remover.


astringent – вяжущее средство

to tighten – стягивать, сужать

irritation - раздражение

1. Look through the text once more and mark the statements with right or wrong.

1. When caring for skin the body gets most attention.

2. It is not necessary to take specific care of all areas of the skin.

3. There are three skin types: normal, oily and dry.

4. The face is split into fourteen zones.

5. The most common facial skin care regime is a two step process of cleansing and toning.

6. Toning removes dirt from the pores to prevent clogging and infection.

7. Toner acts as an astringent.

8. Moisturizers are used to remove dead skin cells.


1.Говоря об уходе за кожей,мыимеем в виду все участки тела, однако, как правило, мы уделяем больше внимания уходу за кожей лица. 2. Средства по уходу за кожей, которые мы выбираем, должны соответствовать типу нашей кожи. 3. Каждая зона находится под влиянием работы различных органов и систем человеческого организма. 4. Наиболее распространённая система ухода за кожей лица это процесс, состоящий из трёх этапов: очищение, тонизирование и увлажнение. 5. Тонизирующие средства действуют как вяжущие, сужая поры. 6. Они обычно производятся в форме жидкого раствора. 7. Увлажняющие средства предохраняют кожу от сухости и раздражения. 8. Скрабы используются для удаления мёртвых клеток кожи.