Read and translate the text.
Text С. Skin Care
Skin care products are an essential part of an individual’s beauty regime. Products are available to suit both men and women of all skin types. There are four main types of skin that products relate to. Normal skin is healthy and balanced. The secretions of oil, circulation of blood and skin cell replenishment is all normal. Oily skin is caused by over secretion of oil glands, the benefits of this type of skin is that it is less prone to wrinkling. Dry skin is the opposite and is caused when oil glands are under producing, leaving the skin irritable and flaky. Combination skin is the most common, all areas are correctly producing.
The face is the most looked after area of skin as this receives the most exposure and recognition. Customers purchase products to prevent premature aging, over solar exposure, serious skin conditions, and other skin problems that are encountered day to day. The face is divided into fourteen different zones, this is known as mapping and these zones are used to determine the correct use and selection of treatments to purchase.
Firstly, zones one and three focus on the forehead, this area is affected by the digestive and bladder system. It is recommended that the customer drinks more water and eats more whole foods. Secondly, zone two is located between the eyebrows, affected by the liver (too much alcohol, rich foods maybe even an allergy). Thirdly, zones six and eight are around the eyes, affected by the kidneys, usually in correlation to dehydration. Zones five and nine focus on the cheeks, affected by the repertory system for example smoking and allergies. Zone seven focuses on the nose, affected by blood pressure, whilst zones eleven and thirteen affect the jaw, which can be due to dental surgery. Finally, zone twelve affects the chin, usually due to a hormone imbalance, whilst fourteen relates to the neck.
There are a variety of different products which are developed and marketed to protect and prevent the skin from common problems.
For example anti-aging cream should be applied to reduce the risk of wrinkles. This works by hydrating the area. Proactive skin care focuses on the prevention and manageability of acne and other serious skin care problems. Man skin care focuses on making this predominantly feminine market attractive to males by introducing masculine packaging and scents. Companies for example Philosophy skin are focus on using only the finest natural ingredients.
Natural ingredients are greatly in demand at present as they cause less reaction to the skin. Ingredients for example coconut, fruits, almond, plant extracts and organic ingredients have all replaced harsh chemicals previously used.
Whatever the customers’ individual need, skin type, fragrance, price, sensitivity etc, there is a product available to suit those exact requirements.
to relate to | иметь отношение | to encounter | сталкиваться |
replenishment | зд. обновление | digestive system | система пищеварения |
to cause | вызывать | bladder system | мочеиспускательная |
benefit | преимущество | liver | печень |
to be prone to | быть склонным к | kidneys | почки |
irritable | раздражённая | repertory system | система запаса |
flaky | шелушащаяся | prevention | предупреждение |
exposure | выставление | manageability | зд. лечение |
recognition | узнавание | acne | угорь, прыщ |
to prevent | предотвращать | packaging | средства по уходу за кожей |
purchase | приобретать, покупать | scents | духи |
premature | преждевременный | fragrance | аромат |
1. Find Russian equivalents to the following expressions:
an essential part of an individual’s beauty regime, is caused by over secretion of oil glands, it is less prone to wrinkling, all areas are correctly producing, the most looked after area of skin, receives the most exposure and recognition, to prevent premature aging, this area is affected by the digestive and bladder system, usually due to a hormone imbalance, are greatly in demand, to suit those exact requirements.
2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following expressions:
кровообращение, обновление клеток кожи, сальные железы вырабатывают недостаточно секрета, проблемы кожи, с которыми мы сталкиваемся ежедневно, чтобы при покупке средств по уходу за кожей правильно определить их выбор; чтобы уменьшить риск появления морщин; сферой действия является предупреждение появления и лечения угрей; который может быть вызван хирургией десен; они вызывают меньшую реакцию кожи.
3. Answer the questions to the text:
1.How many types of skin are there that products relate to?
2.What is oily skin caused by?
3.What is dry skin caused by?
4.Which type of skin is the most common?
5.What do customers purchase skin care products for?
6.Into how many zones is the face divided?
7.What are these zones used to?
8.What does proactive skin care focus on?
9.Why are natural ingredients greatly in demand at present?