Read and translate the text.
Topical vocabulary
Read the dialogues aloud. Dramatize them.
Ann: There are so many professions in the field of beauty industry in USA.
It’s difficult to understand the difference.
Kate: I agree with you. It seems to me that estheticians andbeauticiansdo the same job.
Ann: Yes, both of them work in a beauty parlor and give cosmetic treatments.
Kate: As to cosmetician this one deals with manufacturing, selling, as well as applying cosmetics.
Ann: They also work in a beauty parlor.
Kate: Cosmetologists’ duties are hair care and also services that are performed by a beautician.
Ann: In short, cosmetologists perform the functions of a beautician and a hairstylist.
Kate: Yes, that’s right.
Sue: Hello, Mary!
Mary: Hello, Sue! I haven’t seen you for ages. What’s your news?
Sue: I got married last summer.
Mary: My congratulations! And what about your college?
Sue: Everything is all right. I have the diploma and the job I like very much.
Mary: Where do you work?
Sue: In a beauty salon as a beautician.
Mary: What tasks do you perform?
Sue: I carry out skin analysis, give advice about skin and body care, perform facial massage, apply make-up and many others. What about you? Have you graduated from the University?
Mary: Not yet. It’s my final year.
apply | наносить |
beauty parlour | салон красоты |
care | уход |
cleanse[klenz] | очищать |
cleanser | средство для очищения кожи |
cream | крем |
cure | лечить, лечение |
dry | сухой |
emulsion | эмульсия |
eliminate | устранять |
exfoliate | отшелушивать |
exfoliating | отшелушивание |
fatty[ | жирный |
fluid | жидкость |
foam[foum]] | пена |
hydrate | увлажнять |
hydration | увлажнение |
impurity | загрязнение |
moisten['moisn] | увлажнять |
moisture | влага |
moisturizer | увлажняющее средство |
nutrition | питание |
nutritive ['njutritiv] | питательный |
preventive[pri'ventiv] | профилактический |
protect | защищать |
protection[prq'tekSn] | защита |
protective | защитный |
to reduce | уменьшать |
to remove | удалять |
remover | средство для удаления макияжа |
reparative | восстанавливающий |
to rinse | полоскать |
to smooth | разглаживать |
throat | горло |
tone | тонизировать |
toner | тоник |
treat | ухаживать, лечить |
treatment | уход, лечение |
to wipe[waip] | вытирать |
wrinkle[riNkl] | морщина |
Тext А. Why Be Nice to Your Skin?
It keeps your insides from falling out. It helps you warm up when you're cold and can cool you off when you're hot. It lets you feel things by touch. It protects you.
What is this wondrous stuff? Your skin, of course! And what does your skin ask for in return for all the wonderful things it does? Just a little care and consideration. So let's learn how to take good care of the skin you're in. Like the heart, stomach, and brain, your skin is an organ. In fact, it's the largest organ in your body, but it's still easy to take skin for granted. Unless there's a problem, you may not think about your skin very much. But skin has an important job to do.
Your skin is constantly protecting you. Your skin keeps infections out of your body and keeps you from getting sick. When you take care of your skin, you're helping your skin do its job. And taking care of your skin today will help prevent future problems, like wrinkles and even skin cancer.
Clean skin is happy skin. One simple way to take care of your skin is to keep it clean. Keeping your hands clean is especially important because your hands can spread germs to the skin on other parts of your body.
consideration внимание
heart сердце
stomach желудок
brain мозг
to get sick заболеть
cancer рак
to spread распространять
germ микроб
1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following expressions:
внутренние органы, согревать, осязать, просить взамен, лишь немного заботы и внимания, пока не появится проблема, воспринимать кожу как само собой разумеющееся, оберегает организм от инфекций, поможет предотвратить будущие проблемы, разносить микробы.
2. Answer the questions.
1. Why the role of skin is so important for our body?
2. Is our skin an organ like the heart, stomach and brain?
3. What kind of job has our skin to do?
4. Do you think skin is an important organ? Why?
5. Do people pay much attention to taking care of there skin?
6. What about you? How do you take care of your skin?
7. What is the first condition of keeping your skin healthy?
3. a) Выберите из данных вариантов русский аналог наиболее соответствующий названию текста:
1. Почему мы ценим кожу? 2. Почему кожа важна для нас? 3. Почему мы хорошо относимся к своей коже? 4. Заботимся ли мы о своей коже? 5. Почему мы должны хорошо относится к своей коже?
b) Дайте своё название тексту