Violent Weather

Thousands of storms occur _____(10) all over the world, often accompanied by thunder and lightning. The _____(11) storms can cause considerable damage leading to _____(12) and delays. In comparison with storms, cyclones occur extremely _____(13) only about 30-100 times a year, but their winds can reach 200 kph, which makes them very _____(14). Cyclones occur in regions near the equator and are _____(15) outside tropical areas. Nowadays, advanced radar equipment enable weather forecasters to predict the path of a cyclone with _____(16). People who are living in places that will be hit by the cyclones can be given a _____(17) to evacuate the area or at least to take shelter. _____(18), nothing can be done to protect their homes and property. DAY BAD CANCEL   FREQUENT DANGER KNOW     ACCURATE WARN FORTUNATE

III. Определите, какой из подчеркнутых элементов предложения содержит ошибку.

19. Jack had (A) always been thinking (B) he would become (C) a doctor; but his parents wanted (D) him to study law.

20. Massive credit-card debt (A) is a (B) late- twentieth-century (C) phenomena (D).

21. Seldom (A) I have (B) wasted as much time as (C) when (D) I watched that movie.

22. If John would have (A) studied (B), he would have (C) passed (D) the course.

23. I insist (A) that (B)my proposal is (C) considered (D) formally.

24. Contrary to earlier belief (A), King Richard III of England is (B) now

thought have (С) been (D) an effective monarch.

25. The balance of nature shouldn’t disturbed (A), but sometimes it is (B) affected (C)

negatively by development (D).

26. You should know (A) that you can (B) do well in this class, but you’d better (C)

to work (D) harder.

IV. Выберите наиболее подходящий по контексту вариант.

27. Few children, fortunately, get diseases like polio and scarlet fever anymore because/because of immunization programmes are widespread.

28. Despite/Although his youth, he had a very mature approach to life.

29. The opposition parties voted against the proposal and thus/therefore prevented it from becoming a law.

30. It’s possible to take a vacation on a budget; for instance/on the contrary you can go camping.

31.There is no defect in the fuel system of the car. Hence/Also the fault appears to lie with the electrical system.

32. Some people think they will be able to remember everything. Indeed/In fact, they’ll forget a great deal.

33. Fines are a good way of punishing people. However/Since, they are of no use if they cannot be paid.

V. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола в страдательном залоге.

34. The proposal for refinancing the city’s debt____ (be going/present) at the week’s city council meeting.

35. The air conditioner ____ (fix) by tomorrow afternoon.

36. The wheel ____ (think) to have been invented three or four thousand years ago.

37. All children ____ (must/vaccinate) before they start school.

38. My son took a lot of unnecessary courses. I think he ____ (should/advise) better.

39. I remember____ (send) a letter by a man, who complained my article was prejudiced against his country.

40. ____ (pay) monthly, I find annual bills hard to pay.

VI. Выберите правильную глагольную форму (инфинитив/герундий) в каждом предложении.

41. To appreciate/Appreciating someone else’s situation, one has to walk in that person’s shoes for a while.

42. Do you ever regret to have left/having left your last job?

43. I regret to inform/informing you that you were turned down.

44. The judge instructed me to be/being more attentive to the evidence.

45. I advise you staying/to stay out of their way.

VII. Выберите слово, которое больше остальных подходит по смыслу к предложению.

46. The difference in their computer skills was attributed to the generation _____.

a) space b) difference c) gap d) hole

47. The cost of _____ has risen dramatically.

a) life b) lives c) alive d) living

48. There is a strong movement supporting the abolition of the death _____ .

a) penalty b) punishment c) discipline d) condemnation

49. Unemployment _____ is paid to people who are unable to find any work.

a) security b) money c) service d) benefit

50. Coal, oil and other similar _____ resources may eventually be replaced by solar energy.

a) nature b) nature’s c) natural d) native


I. Cooтнеситe кopeнь латинского происхождения с его значением и производным.

1. phon a) mind a) antipathy

2. dyn b) feeling b) dialogue

3. log c) sound c) megaphone

4. path d) power d) psychoanalysis

5. psych e) between e) thermodynamics

6. medi f) speech f) intermediate

II. Заполните пробелы в тексте словами в подходящей по контексту форме, используя слова, предложенные справа для каждой строки соответственно.