



in- : invalid, insane, inexact, invisible, inappropriate, indirect, inactive, inconvenient, inaccurate, incomplete, insignificant, insufficient, inflexible

im- : impatient, impossible, impure, imperfect, implausible, impractical

un- : unlikely, uncertain, untrue, unequal, unusual, uncommon, unsuitable, unable, unstable, unreasonable, unpleasant, unfriendly, unidentified, uncontaminated, unmistakable, unsatisfactory, uneven, unknown, unfavourable, undetermined, unusable

infrequently, disloyal, discomfort, unspecific, unreal, improbably, unavailable, disassemble, unsuitable, improper, unfit, unoccupied, disorder, undistinguished


to disconnect to mispronounce to disarrange to disagree to mismanage unacceptable dishonest nonfatal incompetent dishonoured non-ferrous nonnegotiable unemployed unnecessary illegal irregular inapplicable uncertified non-profitable inactive disagreement inexpensive immaturity uninformed instability ineffective  
to disbelieve useless unimportance
to unpack unreliable inefficiency
to dislike painless nonsense/senseless
to disappear inexperienced immaterial
to disapprove untidy improbable
to unlock immature irresponsible
to disconnect harmless  

Упр.2.6.1. 1. e; 2. g; 3. h; 4. j; 5. i; 6. b; 7. k; 8. d; 9. a; 10. c; 11. f.


Упр.2.6.2. 1. d, d; 2. g, f; 3. a, e; 4. e, a; 5. b, c; 6. c, g; 7. f, b.


Упр.2.6.3. 1.A, 2.A, 3.A, 4.C, 5.B, 6.B, 7.C

Упр.2.7.1.a. economical; b. criminal; c. energetic; d. managing; e. politician, historian; f. unsuccessful; g. perfectly; h. appointment; i. surprisingly; j. death; k. unfriendly; l. overslept; m. improvement; n. cooking; o. traveling; p. reliable; q. endless; r. misunderstanding; s. uneconomical; t. astonishing; u. comparison; v. competitors; w. unexplored; x. poverty; y. specialty; z. carelessness.


Упр. 2.8.1. 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. D


Упр.2.8.2. 1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. b; 5. a; 6. b; 7. a; 8. c; 9. d.


Упр. loneliness; 2. employment; 3. surrounded; 4. rarely; 5. communication; 6. outwards; 7. technological; 8. spoken; 9. warmth; 10. digital


Глава 3. Местоимение.


Упр.3.1.1. Предложения b, c, d- правильные


Упр.3.1.2.a. a. me; b.her; c. whom; d. him; e. her.


Упр.3.1.2.b. Предложения c, d- правильные


Упр.3.1.3.a. a. his; b. whose; c. hers; d. her; e. his; f. hers; g. my; h.


Упр.3.1.3.b. Предложения b,d,f, g – правильные

a.The student who forgot his books...

c.Your cat is much larger than mine.


Упр.3.1.4. a. himself; b. myself; c. herself; d. myself; e. herself; f. yourselves; g. herself; h.ourselves; i. itself; j. yourself; k. himself; l. himself; m. ourselves; n. himself; o. herself; p. yourself


Упр.3.1.5.a. a. who; b. he; c. hers; d. me; e. she; f. his; g. him; h. who; i. mine; j. them; k.who; l. himself; m. him.


Упр.3.1.5.b. a. C; b. C; c. A; d. A; e. D; f. A; g. B; h.D.


Упр.; 2.everybody; 3.all; 4.everybody; 5.everybody; 6.all; 7.all; 8.everybody; 9.all; 10.everybody


Упр.3.2.2. 29 (+4).


Упр.3.2.3. a.her; b. himself; c. their; d. she, he; e. his, her


Упр.3.2.4. a. their → its; b.their (carrying case)→ its (carrying case); c. themselves→ himself; d. their → its; e. their → its; f. his → their; g. its → his; h. her → its; i. their→ his; j. its → their.

Упр.3.3.1.a. b,c,e,g,j,k,p,q,s – правильные фразы.

a,f,l,n– who,that. h,i,o – which, that. d – that/ whose.


Упр.3.4.1. a. anything, any; b. something, some; anything; c. anyone, someone; d. some, some, any, any; e. some /any, somewhere.


Упр.3.4.2. a. anywhere; b. anyone; c. someone; d. anything; e. anywhere (если нет уверенности), somewhere (если есть уверенность); f. anything; g. anywhere; h. somewhere; i.nobody; j. everything.

Упр.3.4.3. 1.everybody; 2.anybody; 3. someone / somebody; 4.anybody; 5.nobody / no-one; 6.anywhere; 7.everywhere; 8.anything; 9.anybody; 10.nothing; 11.any; 12.everyone (каждый) / everybody (все вместе); 13.somewhere; 14.anywhere; 15.everyone / everybody ; 16.someone / somebody

Упр.3.5.1.a. other; b. the other; c. other; d. another; e. other, others; f. another; g. the other; h. another, others; i. the others; j. the other; k. other