
Упр. 2.1.4. A

Noun Verb
advice /әdvais/ to advise /әdvaiz/
use /ju:s/ to use /ju:z/
abuse /әbju:s/ to abuse /әbju:z/
belief /bili:f/ to believe /bili:v/
relief /rili:f/ to relieve /rili:v/
grief /gri:f/ to grieve /gri:v/
excuse /ikskju :s/ to exuse /ikskju:z/
breath /breӨ/ to breathe /bri:ð/
half /ha:f/ to halve /ha:v/
house /haus/ to house /hauz/
safe /seif/ to save /seiv/
proof /pru:f/ to prove /pru:v/

Упр. 2.1.4. Ba.belief; b.breath; c.safe; d.abuse; e.relief; f. a half, a half; g.use; h.exuse; i.grieve; j.advice


Упр.2.2.1.b. 1-fail; 2-remove; 3-collect; 4-master; 5-assist; 6-invent; 7-depart; 8-conclude; 9-decorate; 10-propose.


Упр.2.2.1.c. aim; judgement; investment; approval; refusal; announcement; blame; delay; mistake; rest; survival; development; proposal; trouble.


Упр.2.2.1.d. enjoyment, package, expectation, achievement, usage, avoidance, requirement, admission, disappointment, allowance, excitement.


Упр.2.2.1.e. a. leakage; b. homeomorphism; c. multitude; d. polymorphism; e. shrinkage; f. magnitude; g. patronage; h. diamagnetism; i. storage.

Упр.2.2.2.a. Существительные, относящиеся к человеку:

servant, employee, alcoholic, servant, racketeer, innovator, youngster, authoress, carpenter, geologist.


Упр.2.2.3.a. Прилагательные: comfortable, careless, heroic, foolish, wooden, Texan, deathly, truthful, famous, troublesome, statuesque, active, traditional, supplementary, easy.


Subject Person Adjective
¢history mathema¢tics ¢chemistry ¢science ¢physics bi¢ology phi¢losophy psy¢chology me¢chanics ‘music ¢architecture ‘arche¢ology his¢torian ‘mathema¢tician ¢chemist ¢scientist ¢physicist bi¢ologist phi¢losopher psy¢chologist me¢chanic mu’sician ¢architect ‘arche¢ologist his¢torical, historic ‘mathe’matical ¢chemical ¢scientific ¢physical ‘bio’logical ‘philo’sophical ‘psycho’logical me¢chanical ‘musical ¢archi’tectural ‘archeo’logical

Упр.2.2.3.c. a. leafless, b. fearless, c. powerful, d. wonderful, e. whiteness, f. kindness,

g. politeness, h. nervousness, i. pitiful, j. fruitful, k. careless, l. hopeless, m. seriousness, n. respectful, o. thoughtful, p. endless, q. helpful


Упр.2.2.3.d. 1-silklike; 2- eventful; 3- rocky; 4-careless; 5-metallic; 6-penniless; 7-musical; 8- babyish; 9-stormy.

Упр.2.2.3.e. Прилагательные: worldly, yearly, costly, womanly, stately, neighbourly, cowardly, shapely, ghostly, lovely, friendly.


Упр.2.2.3.f. Правильные предложения: a, e, f .

b. The children behaved themselves very well.

c. I tried hard to remember his name but I couldn’t.

d. The company’s financial situation is not good at present.

g. Amperometric titrations are almost carried out by making a few measurements well before the equivalence point and a few more well after the equivalence point.


Упр.2.2.4.a1.greener, 2.fitter, 3. trendier/more trendy, 4. more nervous, 5.wiser,

6.lazier, 7.more serious, 8. more quickly, 9. better, 10. less, 11. worse, 12. farther/further

Упр.2.2.4.b1. most boring, 2. highest, 3. luckiest, 4. most often/the most often,

5. deepest, 6. ugliest, 7. worst/the worst, 8. farthest/ furthest, 9. craziest,

10. most modern, 11. worst, 12. least


Упр.2.2.4.c1.latest, 2. least, 3. worse, 4. more, 5. most, 6. less, 7. younger, 8. better,

9. higher, 10. best


Упр.2.2.4.d1. best book that I have ever, 2. the farthest anybody / the farthest anyone /the furthest anybody/ the furthest anyone, 3. hardest I have ever worked, 4. is shorter than, 5. beach is nicer than, 6. no mountain is higher than, 7. this the farthest north anybody / this the farthest north anyone /this the furthest north anybody/ this the furthest north anyone 8. an uglier painting than/ a painting uglier than, 9. are more common than/ are commoner than, 10. the fastest runner


Упр. 2.2.4.e.1.is more intelligent than; 2.is not so/as big as; 3.farther from the school than; 4.drives more carefully than; 5.the fastest car of all; 6.the best film; 7. most reasonable price you will; 8. the most comfortable; 9.can type faster; 10. faster we get there the


Упр.2.2.5.a. blacken, politicise, falsify, tighten, characterise, sharpen, sympathise, loosen, localise, shorten, purify, widen, normalise


Упр.2.2.5.b. a. economise; b. loosen; c. symbolised; d. specify; e. strengthen; f. socialise; g. industrialise; h. simplify; i. crystalise; j. united.