Упр. 2.1.4. A
Noun | Verb |
advice /әdvais/ | to advise /әdvaiz/ |
use /ju:s/ | to use /ju:z/ |
abuse /әbju:s/ | to abuse /әbju:z/ |
belief /bili:f/ | to believe /bili:v/ |
relief /rili:f/ | to relieve /rili:v/ |
grief /gri:f/ | to grieve /gri:v/ |
excuse /ikskju :s/ | to exuse /ikskju:z/ |
breath /breӨ/ | to breathe /bri:ð/ |
half /ha:f/ | to halve /ha:v/ |
house /haus/ | to house /hauz/ |
safe /seif/ | to save /seiv/ |
proof /pru:f/ | to prove /pru:v/ |
Упр. 2.1.4. Ba.belief; b.breath; c.safe; d.abuse; e.relief; f. a half, a half; g.use; h.exuse; i.grieve; j.advice
Упр.2.2.1.b. 1-fail; 2-remove; 3-collect; 4-master; 5-assist; 6-invent; 7-depart; 8-conclude; 9-decorate; 10-propose.
Упр.2.2.1.c. aim; judgement; investment; approval; refusal; announcement; blame; delay; mistake; rest; survival; development; proposal; trouble.
Упр.2.2.1.d. enjoyment, package, expectation, achievement, usage, avoidance, requirement, admission, disappointment, allowance, excitement.
Упр.2.2.1.e. a. leakage; b. homeomorphism; c. multitude; d. polymorphism; e. shrinkage; f. magnitude; g. patronage; h. diamagnetism; i. storage.
Упр.2.2.2.a. Существительные, относящиеся к человеку:
servant, employee, alcoholic, servant, racketeer, innovator, youngster, authoress, carpenter, geologist.
Упр.2.2.3.a. Прилагательные: comfortable, careless, heroic, foolish, wooden, Texan, deathly, truthful, famous, troublesome, statuesque, active, traditional, supplementary, easy.
Subject | Person | Adjective |
¢history mathema¢tics ¢chemistry ¢science ¢physics bi¢ology phi¢losophy psy¢chology me¢chanics ‘music ¢architecture ‘arche¢ology | his¢torian ‘mathema¢tician ¢chemist ¢scientist ¢physicist bi¢ologist phi¢losopher psy¢chologist me¢chanic mu’sician ¢architect ‘arche¢ologist | his¢torical, historic ‘mathe’matical ¢chemical ¢scientific ¢physical ‘bio’logical ‘philo’sophical ‘psycho’logical me¢chanical ‘musical ¢archi’tectural ‘archeo’logical |
Упр.2.2.3.c. a. leafless, b. fearless, c. powerful, d. wonderful, e. whiteness, f. kindness,
g. politeness, h. nervousness, i. pitiful, j. fruitful, k. careless, l. hopeless, m. seriousness, n. respectful, o. thoughtful, p. endless, q. helpful
Упр.2.2.3.d. 1-silklike; 2- eventful; 3- rocky; 4-careless; 5-metallic; 6-penniless; 7-musical; 8- babyish; 9-stormy.
Упр.2.2.3.e. Прилагательные: worldly, yearly, costly, womanly, stately, neighbourly, cowardly, shapely, ghostly, lovely, friendly.
Упр.2.2.3.f. Правильные предложения: a, e, f .
b. The children behaved themselves very well.
c. I tried hard to remember his name but I couldn’t.
d. The company’s financial situation is not good at present.
g. Amperometric titrations are almost carried out by making a few measurements well before the equivalence point and a few more well after the equivalence point.
Упр.2.2.4.a1.greener, 2.fitter, 3. trendier/more trendy, 4. more nervous, 5.wiser,
6.lazier, 7.more serious, 8. more quickly, 9. better, 10. less, 11. worse, 12. farther/further
Упр.2.2.4.b1. most boring, 2. highest, 3. luckiest, 4. most often/the most often,
5. deepest, 6. ugliest, 7. worst/the worst, 8. farthest/ furthest, 9. craziest,
10. most modern, 11. worst, 12. least
Упр.2.2.4.c1.latest, 2. least, 3. worse, 4. more, 5. most, 6. less, 7. younger, 8. better,
9. higher, 10. best
Упр.2.2.4.d1. best book that I have ever, 2. the farthest anybody / the farthest anyone /the furthest anybody/ the furthest anyone, 3. hardest I have ever worked, 4. is shorter than, 5. beach is nicer than, 6. no mountain is higher than, 7. this the farthest north anybody / this the farthest north anyone /this the furthest north anybody/ this the furthest north anyone 8. an uglier painting than/ a painting uglier than, 9. are more common than/ are commoner than, 10. the fastest runner
Упр. 2.2.4.e.1.is more intelligent than; 2.is not so/as big as; 3.farther from the school than; 4.drives more carefully than; 5.the fastest car of all; 6.the best film; 7. most reasonable price you will; 8. the most comfortable; 9.can type faster; 10. faster we get there the
Упр.2.2.5.a. blacken, politicise, falsify, tighten, characterise, sharpen, sympathise, loosen, localise, shorten, purify, widen, normalise
Упр.2.2.5.b. a. economise; b. loosen; c. symbolised; d. specify; e. strengthen; f. socialise; g. industrialise; h. simplify; i. crystalise; j. united.