Remind advise confess doubt promise suggest

Agree decide insist refuse admit apologise deny offer

Обзорные упражнения

Упр.7.6.1. A Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски придаточными предложениями из предложенного списка.

I had a most strange experience a few weeks ago. I was sitting at home, when at about nine o’clock there was a knock on the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone, so I wondered (a) _______ . I opened the door, and there was this man, wearing an old raincoat. I asked him (b) ______, but he didn’t tell me at first. He wanted to know (c) __________ in the house, which I thought was an odd question. Anyway, I said I was, because everyone else had gone out for the evening. Then he asked (d) ________, so I said that I wanted to know who he was before I’d let him into my house, which is only natural, after all. Anyway, he didn’t answer, but looked up and down the street. By this time I was getting a bit worried, and I wondered (e) _______ , because this chap seemed a bit suspicious. But he told me (f) _______. He was a policeman, and he showed me his card to prove it. He said that the police were watching the people who lived in a house a few doors away, and he asked me (g) __________ .

I said I didn’t. I’d seen them a few times, but I hadn’t spoken to them. Then he wanted to know (h) _________ , so I said ‘a few weeks’. I’d seen their furniture van on the day they moved in. Then he explained (i) ___________ . He asked me if he could stay in my front room and watch the street for a while, so I showed him in. I asked him (j) _________ , and he said it was because they suspected of being drug smugglers. I couldn’t believe it. He stayed for three hours, and then left. Anyway, a few days later, I read in the paper that the police had arrested them.


1. if I knew them

2. if he could come in

3. why he was watching them

4. who it could be

5. who he was

6. what he wanted

7. if I should call the police

8. if I was alone

9. what he wanted to do

10. how long they’d been living there

Упр.7.6.1. BЗадайтевопросыв прямой речи.

*Упр.7.6.2.Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную, употребляя глаголы из предложенного списка. Проверьте по словарю, какая грамматическая конструкция употребляется после данных глаголов.


a. “No, it's not true, I didn't steal the money!”

Jean denied stealing the money/that she had stolen the money.

b. “Why don't we go to the cinema this evening?”

Peter_______ going to the cinema/that they went to the cinema.

c. “Yes, of course, I'll give you a lift, Helen.”

Liz _________ to give Helen a lift/that she would give Helen a lift.

d. “I've broken your pen. I'm awfully sorry, Jack.”
David _______ for breaking Jack's pen.

e. “Don't forget to post my letter, will you, Sue?”
Diana _________ Sue to post her letter.

f. “Let me carry your suitcase, John.”
Harry ________to carry John's suitcase.

g. “All right, it's true, I was nervous.”

The leading actor ________ (to) being nervous/that he had been nervous.

h. “I don't think Liverpool will win.”

Vanessa _______whether Liverpool would win.

i. “If I were you, Bill, I'd buy a mountain bike.”

Stephen________ Bill to buy a mountain bike.

j. “Don't worry, Martin, I'll bring your book back.”

Leslie ___________ to bring Martin's book back/Martin he would bring his book back.

k. “No, no, you really must read that article!”

Dick__________ on my reading that article/that I should read that article.

l. “Right. I'll take the brown pair.”

Andrew___________to take the brown pair.

m. “No, sorry, I don't want to lend you my camera.”

Alex _________ to lend me his camera.

Упр.7.6.3.Закончите предложения в косвенной речи так, чтобы смысл высказывания не изменился.

a. “Sue, can you remember to buy some bread?”

Paul reminded Sue to buy some bread.

b. “I don't really think it'll snow tomorrow.”

I doubt_______________

c. “I'm sorry I didn't phone you earlier.”

Jill apologised______________

d. “I really think you should see a doctor, Chris.”

William advised___________

e. “No, I'm sorry, I won't work on Saturday. Definitely not!”
Catherine refused ___________

f. “Let's go out to the pub for lunch, shall we?”

Wendy suggested ____________

g. “It's not true! I have never been arrested.”

Larry denied ___________

h “If you like, I'll help you do the decorating, Bob.”

Ann offered ___________

i. “I’ll definitely take you to the park on Sunday, children.”

Tom promised the ______________

j. “Yes, all right, I'll share the bill with you, Dave.”

Brenda agreed ________________

**Упр.7.6.4.Исправьте ошибки, связанные с нарушением правила согласования времен и пунктуации, в следующем тексте.В общей сложности Вы должны сделать 21 исправление.

A College Lecture

1Professor Sanchez gave a lecture on transistors last Tuesday. 2First, he explained what are transistors. 3He said, that they are very small electronic devices used in telephones, automobiles, radios, and so on. 4He further explained that transistors control the flow of electronic current in electronic equipment. 5He wanted to know which popular technological invention cannot operate without transistors. 6Most students agreed, it is the personal computer. 7Professor Sanchez then asked if the students know how do transistors function in computers. 8He said that the transistors were etched into tiny silicon microchips and that these transistors increase computers’ speed and data storage capacity. 9Then he asked the class when had transistors been invented? 10Sergei guessed that they were invented in 1947. 11The professor said that he is correct. 12Professor Sanchez then asked what was the importance of this invention? 13Many students answered that it is the beginning of the information age. 14At the end of the lecture, the professor assigned a paper on transistors. 15He requested that each student chooses a topic by next Monday. 16He suggested that the papers are typed.